Everlasting Dragon Emperor

Chapter 4825: Dandan's discovery

Chapter 4825: Dandan's discovery

Lu Ming and the others sneered. Of course they knew who the "weak party" referred to by Exterminating Tianjun was clearly referring to Lu Ming and the others.

There are more than two thousand masters in the Yaxian race and the Celestial race, and they are powerful.

As for Lu Ming and the others, there were only ten players in total, and when compared, their strength seemed too weak.

Obviously, the subtext of Exterminating Heavenly Monarch is that Lu Ming and the others are not worthy of cooperating with the Yaxian and Celestial Clan.

The sky pondered for a moment, and said: "Why don't we, the three parties, act separately? So that we don't enter the Qi Vessel, because the treasure hurts the harmony."

Entering the Qi Vessel, once you find a treasure, everyone will definitely want it, but it is inevitable that there will be a fight.

By acting separately, this problem can be avoided.

Although Cang Qiong said it was a lot more polite, it actually meant the same as the people of the Celestial Race, and didn't want to act with Lu Ming and the others.

With Lu Ming's talents, how could it not be heard?

"These guys..."

Dan Dan was very upset.

"Okay, that's perfect."

Lu Ming spoke, who is honest, he doesn't want to cooperate with these people.

"Then we choose to enter the direction of the Qi Channel, and that direction will belong to us."

Extinction Tianjun opened his mouth and pointed to the direction to the northeast.

"We were the first to come here, so let's get into the Qi Vessel from here."

Cang Qiong also said.

"Why did you choose first? Why did you choose the two best places?"

Dan Dan finally couldn't help but yelled.

The gods and Ling Yuwei also showed angrily.

The position of entering the Qi Vessel is also very particular. The two positions chosen by the Celestial Race and the Yaxian Race have the largest cracks. The divine light of the cave that overflowed before is the most and richest, and the treasures inside are likely to be the most.

Other directions? Relatively speaking, it is much worse.

"We are both first come first? First come first served? Naturally we choose first? And our two sides, there are so many people, even if there are treasures? Everyone gets very few? And you only have ten people, choose whatever you want Any direction is fine."

Extinction Tianjun said coldly.

"Yes, besides? Except for these two positions? There are so many other positions? You can choose? You don't want to thank us? You want to blame us? It's too greedy."

Bai Zhan Tianjun continued.

"Wori, it's all nonsense, what does this have to do with the number of people?"

This time it was the gods who were scolding, he was furious, and he looked like he was about to do something.

But one hand grabbed the shoulders of the gods? Said: "Forget it? Too lazy to pay attention to these shameless people? Let's choose another position."

It was Dandan who stopped the gods?

"Dan Dan...did he find something?"

Lu Ming knows Dandan too well, he knows this guy when he looks at Dandan's eyes? Most of the things he found, the previous rants were pretended.

Otherwise, Yi Dandan's character definitely broke out with the gods, how could it stop the gods?

"Why? They clearly chose the best position."

Pantheon still refuses.

"God, forget it, we don't bother to fight with them, let's go, let's go to other positions."

Lu Ming stopped the gods, and then flew towards other positions.

Lu Ming spoke, and the gods had no choice but to snorted angrily and left with Lu Ming.

Xie Nianqing, Ling Yuwei and others also followed.

"Hehe, it seems that Lu Ming is really limited..."

Extinction Tianjun is more relieved.

He chose a good position just now for two purposes.

A purpose, a good location, naturally has a good treasure.

The second purpose is also to test Lu Ming.

If Lu Ming was really strong, he wouldn't have swallowed his breath.

Exterminating Tianjun was less scrupulous about Lu Ming, and brought the people of the Celestial Race to the position they chose.

Lu Ming and the others also came to other directions.

"Lu Ming, and Dandan, why do you want to give in? It really takes a fight. Although they are crowded, we may not be afraid."

Wan Shen complained a little unhappy.

"This question is about to ask Dandan, Dandan, have you found anything?"

Lu Ming asked Dan Dan.

"Haha, it's worthy of being Lu Ming, I have some demeanor, yes, I did find that I was in other positions and I sensed the fluctuation of the formation."

Dandan smiled proudly.

"The wave of formation? What do you mean?"

The gods still did not understand.

"The formation fluctuates, not on the mountains, but under the energy veins."

Dan Dan added.

At this moment, Lu Ming, Xie Nianqing, Tang Jun, and Bone Demon all reacted and their eyes suddenly lit up.

Below the energy pulse, there is a wave of formation, which can explain many problems.

You know, there are no buildings on this vitality, and no formations have been found, indicating that no one lived here in the last era.

Under an uninhabited air vein, there are wave formations.

This is definitely not simple.

Could it be that a certain strong man from the last era opened up a cave under the Qi Vessel?

According to some information obtained from the ruins of the universe, those great abilities of the last era like to open caves in some remote places.

If you can find a cave mansion that was able to open up in the last era, you might be able to get a huge gain.

"What do you mean?"

Pantheon is still a little confused.

"Big guy, your head is not good. Learn more with me in the future. You see how smart Lu Ming is, it's because I've been around for a long time..."

Then, Dan Dan briefly recounted his speculation.

"So that's the case, no wonder I said how could you easily give in, haha, then let's go quickly."

The gods exclaimed.


Dandan led the way and soon came to the destination.

This is the other side of the Qi Vessel, and it's a bit far away from the location chosen by the Yaxian and the Celestial Race.

The cracks here are very small, and the divine light of the cave that overflowed before is not strong, and the people of the Yaxian and the Celestials will definitely not choose here.

"Dandan, is this here?"

Lu Ming asked.

After arriving here, Lu Ming and the others still did not feel any fluctuations in the formation.

However, they doubted Dan Dan's words, Dan Dan's current reaction to the formation is too keen, and there should be nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, it's here, let's wait, wait for the divine light below to overflow, we will go in..."

Dan Dan said.

In a blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

At this time, the divine light of the hole in the energy veins had almost dissipated, even if there was still left, it was very thin, and Lu Ming and others were enough to deal with it.

People from the other two directions, the Yaxian and the Celestial Race, have entered the Qi Vessel to find treasures.


Lu Ming took the lead and rushed in through the crack under his feet, holding the God of War gun in his hand long ago, with taboo power all over his body, paying attention to guard.

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