Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 200 Meeting The Bizzare Monster

Clyde was still in the middle of mining iron ores when he heard a familiar sound of gigantic footsteps. He turned towards the direction the sound had come from and was immediately convinced that it was the abnormal T-Rex he had encountered before when he came here alone.

"So they finally met, huh."

Clyde nodded his head. He wanted to see how the five of them would manage against that monster after leveling up their Stats. Maybe they will still find it difficult because the T-Rex is quite fast after it gets boosts from the pink crystals all over its body.

"Maybe I should help them. I can't let them die here."

Clyde decided to finish his mining work and packed the iron ores he had obtained. Then walk towards the location of the T-Rex with long strolls. 

He checked his backpack and found some health potions inside. 


Leon turned towards Lola. "Are you able to handle yourself?"

"I can," Lola immediately answered emphatically. She held a crossbow in front of her chest with a stern look.

Leon nodded. "Good. Then Rosie can charge forward with us."

However, Rosie turned to Lola with a worried look. "Are you sure, Lola?"

"I'm sure, don't worry. I've leveled up several times, you remember?" Lola replied with a smile in an attempt to convince her.

Rosie stared at her for a few moments. But then she nodded. Because right now the best decision is for her to come forward to increase their attack power.

"Besides, I won't be far from her so you don't have to worry," said Wiley.

Wiley's words added to the confidence of the three of them. Wiley can attack from a medium range so he can have a wider view to keep an eye on Leon, Albert, and Rosie who are in front, and Lola who is behind.

"Just in case. Let's use your ability," Leon said while looking at Lola.

So Lola immediately activated her Skill so she could see what was happening in the next thirty seconds. Lola relayed what she saw and their faces turned pale instantly.

"Shit." Albert cursed in a low voice.

"We've done this before. All we have to do is try not to let what Lola saw come true," Leon said. "Are you ready?"

Wiley, Albert, Lola, and Rosie nodded. Right, they just need to try so that the foresight doesn't come true. They had done it many times and avoiding what happened in the events Lola had seen was not impossible. However, they will not be able to completely evade everything. 

"Let's go!"

Leon led the forward charge. Albert, Rosie, and Wiley followed right behind him while Lola started aiming her crossbow.

The T-Rex walked closer to them. Until finally its whole body came out of the forest and they could see its abnormal form.

"What the fuck?" Albert stared with shock evident in his eyes. Leon and Rosie also showed the same expression.

The T-Rex had long arms and claws. Unlike what they previously knew from history books where they only had short and small arms.

On the T-Rex's back there are also pink crystals sticking out along its back. Adds to the terrible impression of the monster.

The T-Rex noticed their presence and screamed.


Its roar shook the surroundings and made their ears buzz. Without waiting for too long, the T-Rex charged toward them with a long stroll of its giant leg.

His appearance was so bizarre that it intimidated them instantly. All the plans they had thought fell apart because they didn't think the T-Rex would look this terrifying.

But they immediately snapped out of that dazed and shocked state because they remembered Lola's explanation again. Right, Lola had told them about the attack pattern that was coming their way.

She said that there would be claws and beams of destruction coming. So they immediately tried to control themselves and started moving.

Leon took the lead running with his jaw clenched tight. The T-Rex only took a few seconds to approach them then swept its long arms from the side.

Leon jumped but he couldn't avoid the arm's speed. He was thrown aside by the enormous force.

Luckily, Albert managed to use his Skill in time so that the T-Rex's arms sweep just went through him. Meanwhile, Rosie had jumped forward in time and was lying face down.

Rosie immediately jumped to her feet and lunged with Albert.

They weren't worried about Leon because he should be fine with his hard body.

Rosie used her Skill. Lightning began to appear all over her body and flowed through the hammer she was holding.

The T-Rex fixed its eyes on Rosie and set her as a target. However, suddenly an arrow came and stuck in its eye instantly distracting its attention from Rosie.


Rosie lifted her hammer. Lightning flowed around the hammer and whipped around. Rosie then slammed the hammer forward.

Lightning shot from Rosie's hammer to the T-Rex's head.


Rosie retains her lightning and drains more Mana. She gritted her teeth tightly.

The lightning made the T-Rex stop moving with his head shaking because he was covered in high voltage lightning. However, a moment later Its mouth opened and a pink glow began to emerge from within it.

"Fuck! Stop it!" Rosie screamed when she realized it was something dangerous.

Albert immediately ran towards the T-Rex. His swift leg jumps between the floating debris until finally, it can reach a height equal to the body of the T-Rex.

Albert jumped while raising his two daggers to stab the T-Rex. However...


The T-Rex's claws swung and hit Albert, sending him flying several meters before hitting debris and coming to a stop.


Rosie screamed with wide eyes as she saw Albert thrown away. She felt panicked and scared. If the T-Rex's hand could blow him away, it meant that Albert didn't have time to activate his Skill.

"Focus on that T-rex!"

Suddenly Rosie saw Clyde dart toward Albert. At that moment her heart became a little relieved.

"Let's kill it!" Leon said while running over. As they had thought, he is indeed alright.


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