Entering Apocalypse in Easy-Mode

Chapter 105 A Cyborg

They survive the robot attack for several hours. Destroys wave after wave of robots that keep coming without stopping.

Hours that are heavy and quite tiring passing by. They could finally take a breath after the wave of robots stopped.

But they know that the wave of robots will only stop for a while. So they can't afford to feel too relaxed.

They were now on the highest floor of the building. Here, they can more easily withstand the swarm of robots below.

Sonya now held a rifle in her hand, then another rifle that she slung across her back. And the two pistols hanging from her waist.

All that she got from the robots she just killed. Her rifle that she used from the start had run out of battery after killing hundreds of robots. So Sonya had to find a replacement for the rifle and another backup weapon.

From the top of the building, Sonya dominates by firing her rifle non-stop. None of the laser beams that shot from the muzzle of the futuristic rifle missed.

Assisted by the drones and robot X-99 that Clyde managed to get to help them, their task becomes much easier.

Even so, their fatigue level still increased because the robots kept coming without stopping.

If they were just regular Players, who didn't have the advantage of high levels, they would have already died a few hours ago.

"What's the time now?!" Sonya asked anyone who could hear her.

"It's already 04.00 pm!" who answered her question was Asqa. The only ones free enough to take her time because everyone's pretty busy.

After hearing that answer from behind her, Sonya looked up. She saw that the sun was already lower than the last time she saw it.

This fight was so intense that Sonya didn't realize that they had spent that long.

"The BOSS should have appeared by now, right?!" Sonya asked while continuing to shoot.

Clyde who was fighting against the robot that was trying to climb up the stairs didn't answer. Because he didn't feel that the question was directed at him.

"Clyde!" so Sonya called him again.

"I don't know about that!" Clyde answered in an equally loud tone.

"Ah, shit!" Sonya cursed angrily. If Clyde - as someone she expected to know a lot of things - didn't know anything, then who could know when the BOSS would appear?!

Sonya's anxiety is shared by the rest of the group. But in the end, they can only wait until that time comes.

They continued to fight the robots for a few more minutes. The sun was getting lower now. It's almost dusk, yet the BOSS still hasn't appeared.

Over time, this made their minds even more agitated. Because normally, the BOSS appeared when the sun was still quite high.

This wave of robots is over. They sighed again while stretching the sore body parts.

Then not long after, their anxiety disappeared when a notification sound rang in the sky.




"Finally!" Sonya exclaimed.

"Why are you happy? You didn't hear the robot's nickname?" Reed answered from beside her.

"At least now we can see the end of this chapter, right?" Sonya replied to Reed's words.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Reed.

In the midst of this exhausting and seemingly endless situation, seeing that the BOSS had appeared could be said to be some kind of hope.

Even knowing that they were going to be up against a strong foe made them more relieved. This apocalypse had turned their feelings that way.

A bright light appeared at the top of a building. The light was coming from an orb that looked like it was made of lightning.

The orb is quite large. It was two and a half meters in diameter and lightning whipped around it.

Soon the orb began to crack like an eggshell being opened. The form of a man was visible from within.

A few moments later the orb completely disappeared, leaving behind a man wearing all black who stood towering two meters tall.

The man had long blonde hair and has big and tall build. His black outfit made him even more intimidating. His black coat fluttered in the wind.

The man looked down at his hands and grinned.

"I'm back!" he said, with a happy tone.

On the other hand, the group members who were staring at the man looked wary. They could see the look on his face because the top of their building wasn't too far from him.

"That's the BOSS. I clearly remember how his form and strength were," Rodney said.

"He still has a human mind. But his body has been completely modified into a robotic organ. So he can still talk like a normal human,"

"It doesn't matter whether he can speak like a normal human or not. We already know he is the BOSS so we just have to kill him," Clyde said as he walked forward.

"He also talked a lot," Rodney added.

Clyde didn't respond because he didn't think it mattered.

The robot is aware of their existence. He turned towards them still with a smile on his cheerful face.

"Hai! Are you the survivors that I have to kill?!" The man shouted at them. He also waved as if all he just said was a warm greeting.

Sonya snorted at the way he spoke. "I could already tell he was an annoying person when he was human."

Clyde turned to her. "You can shoot him now, right?"

"Oh right!" Sonya raised her rifle and started aiming.


Without waiting for a long time, she immediately shot the cyborg. The red laser shot at incredible speed toward the cyborg.

However, the cyborg just didn't seem bothered. The laser fired by Sonya only hit the force field around his body.

"Whoa! Don't you guys want to chat first?" the cyborg said.

Sonya lowered her rifle. Even though her shot didn't have any effect, Sonya didn't look disappointed because she had expected that the cyborg wouldn't be hurt that easily.

Sonya shrugged her shoulders. "So he has a shield that seems to keep working all the time."

Clyde who stared at the cyborg could be certain that he was using the same skills as those of the robots he had previously fought. [Skill: Force Field].

It's just, this time, the cyborg activates the skill all the time. Or it could be that his reactions are too fast so it seems that he activates the skill all the time.

"Are you ready to die by my hand?" The cyborg asked again in that unnaturally cheerful tone.

"He seems to be quite an annoying opponent," Mona was already staring at the cyborg with clenched jaws.

"We don't need to bother replying to his words, right?" Eric said.

Clyde intends to approach him. He stepped up and prepared to jump into the building.

However, the cyborg jumped first toward them. He ejected his body after kicking the roof of that building.


In the blink of an eye, the cyborg had landed in front of Clyde and immediately swung his fist.


Clyde parried the fist in time with the Elderglass Sword. He didn't feel any significant pressure from the fist to the point where Clyde thought he could hold it with his bare hands.

"Hahaha! You're pretty strong!" said the cyborg.

Clyde sighed. The attitude of this cyborg looks like that of a very strong villain, who is praising his opponent he is sure he can beat if he puts out his full strength.

Suddenly, from next to Clyde, Reed, and Mona came simultaneously swinging their swords.


The cyborg blocked the swings of the two swords with its hands. There was a sound of metal against metal when the swords hit his hand.

Clyde could see the surprised look on the cyborg's face. Perhaps he had not thought that there was anyone who could give him such strong resistance in the first place.

Clyde then sent a kick to the cyborg's face.


The cyborg was blown far back and fell.

"He doesn't seem as strong as The Devourer," Clyde said.

"Yeah, I think so too." Reed agreed to his comments.

"Don't let your guard down. He hasn't used all his strength yet," Rodney said.

Clyde turned to him. "Are you saying that you're not confident you can beat him with your current level of power?"

Rodney looked back at him and then grinned. "No. I'm sure we can still win. I just said we shouldn't let our guard down."

Hearing that, they all smiled serenely. Maybe what makes this third Chapter difficult is the swarm of robots that never stop fighting them.

As for the matter of the BOSS, it seems that the BOSS isn't an enemy that's too hard to deal with.


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