Divine Genius Healer, Abandoned Woman: Demonic Tyrant in Love with a Mad Little Consort

Chapter 177-182

Ye Qingli suddenly remembered!

When someone used their own breath to add on another’s breath, it was impossible for that person to heal!

Furthermore, he wrestled a beast and was then hit by a boulder.

He must be seriously injured!

In other words, since then, he was not given the time to heal!

What was more, he was still trying to replenish her breath!

Ensuring Ye Qingli’s own safety!

In Ye Qingli’s heart, she was slightly touched by his actions.

But at the same time, she was still unwilling to be with him.

She was the best midnight assassin in the world, since when did she need someone to take care of her to this extent?

"Let go of me!"

Ye Qingli violently pushed away his lips.

She then moved closer to his ear and shouted, "You have to recover first, or else you will die! Do you understand?"

Jun Ao Han was stunned by her action of coldly pushing him away. In the meantime, he accidentally swallowed water.

He furious shouted.

"Whatever I (said by royalty) ask of you to do, you must obediently obey. Do you understand?"

He grabbed Ye Qingli’s head and forcefully kissed her.


Even before Ye Qingli could react, a big hand came and grabbed her butt.


A series of ripples flowed across the water.

This brat actually dared to grab her butt?

In the series of events that had happened just then, they both did not notice that Jun Ao Han had mentioned that he was a royalty.

The two people quickly maneuvered forward.

The powerful water current caused them to be bruised.

Ye Qingli was safely held in his arms. The impact from all the directions directly affected Jun Ao Han.

At this moment, she could finally see the faint glow of light in the front.

Ye Qingli was so happy.

They were about to reach the exit!

At this moment, she suddenly felt Jun Ao Han’s body stiffening.

It was like a cheetah getting ready to pounce on its prey.


The stone wall to their side suddenly collapsed. Countless streams of water and huge waves came rushing in!

Their bodies washed toward the opposite stone wall, and they hit the wall!

Jun Ao Han groaned.

He used his back to withstand all the impact!

From the opposite side of them, two huge shadowy figures swam over.

They both had horns on their heads and came rushing in!

It was the two beasts!

Jun Ao Han took in a deep breath.

"Wait for me here!"

After that, he rushed towards the two beasts!


Just as Ye Qingli wanted to catch up to him, she found out that he had pressed her acupuncture points, paralysing her!

"Give me some time!"

The water was gushing and splashing, the scene in front of her was dark. Ye Qingli did not know the situation of the fight.

Immediately after thirty seconds, a huge blood wave suddenly splashed out.

Then, the figure of Jun Ao Han appeared from the waves.

His whole person looked like he was coming back from hell.

His whole body was soaked in blood.

Behind him was a long trail of blood.

He grabbed Ye Qingli with one hand. "Let’s go!"

With one hand, he embraced her as he quickly swam forward. The speed was amazingly fast, and after a while, they reached the cave in front.

The water flow there was much slower.

Ye Qingli finally lifted her head and greedily gasped for air.

"It must be the exit, let's go!"

She eagerly pulled the sleeves of Jun Ao Han. She did not know why this person was not eager to escape the situation.

"Well, as long as we follow the current, we will be able to float out of here."

Jun Ao Han did not move, a pair of pearly white eyes looking directly at Ye Qingli.

Although this man was covered in blood, he looked like a devil king from hell.

But in the eyes of Ye Qingli, he had a unique charm to him.

It felt like any woman in the world would be fascinated by his looks.

His face being stained in blood, it would seem that it was obstructing the sight of his face.

However, it did not seem to have affected a part of his charm.

His boldness at that time, anyone who saw that would be undoubtedly charmed by it.

Ye Qingli felt a little shy being looked at by Jun Ao Han.

"What is wrong with you?"

His voice was just like the usual, then Jun Ao Han suddenly hugged her on the neck.

Then, he tried to force a kiss on her.

The kiss this time was so unscrupulous, so overbearingly wild.

Even her lips was bleeding due to his bite.

He whispered in her ear, "Would you think about me..."

"I would think about your ancestors first before even thinking about you!"

Ye Qingli almost roared out!

They were currently in a dire situation, but all he could think about was how to take advantage of her?

Was there something wrong with his head?

She hatefully glared at him.

The pale face of Jun Ao Han was stained with little blood. It was like a little peach blossoming on the snow.

It brought a different kind of glamorous feeling.

It made people feel so lonely… so heartbroken.

"Oh, I am able to see you one last time, it was worth it..."

He firmly held Ye Qingli in his arms, clinging tightly, and his head was buried in her neck.

It was like he was trying to merge her body into his.

"Remember, my name is Jun Ao Han!"

After that, Ye Qingli was immediately pushed away by him!

Her body involuntarily drifted into the dark canal!

Jun Ao Han let out a small smile.

Looking at her figure slowly drifting into the canal.

It was like frames of pictures flashing before his eyes.

In the end, it became the shadow of Ye Qingli.

At least, he was able to do whatever he did on that day.

He had no regrets in his life.

It was a pity that I forgot to ask her name...

He turned around and shouted, "Damn it to hell!"

However, it was just the endless darkness in front of him.

In that instance, just as he was about to drown.

Ye Qingli wanted to open her mouth to scream, but she shockingly figured that she could not open her mouth!

Moreover, she couldn’t move her body!

Damn it!

That guy had sealed her meridian points!

A loud shout roared from behind.

The water continued to flow and it kept sweeping her away.

Her heart suddenly sank!

That was the shout of the Japanese Beast!

It turned out that he knew about it!

He actually knew about it!

He knew that there would be even more monsters coming!

If the two of them were to flee together, the beasts would have caught up. In the end, no one would be able to escape.

He stayed behind to intercept those beasts.

Giving her a higher chance of surviving this place!

She clenched her fists tightly, letting out a scream at the top of her lungs.

"Damn it!"

"Do you think that you have the ability to deal with it?"

"Why do you act like a selfless person?"

"Are you trying to imitate Lei Feng as a selfless person?"

The sound from behind slowly turned silent.

At this moment, Ye Qingli finally reached the exit by floating.

The exit was buried under the mountain, and it was a stinking dark ditch.

Ye Qingli was gushed out by the water, and then she discovered that she was able to move again.

That guy had skillfully calculated the time of the paralysing meridian pressure point, so that it would be over when she floated out of the area.

"Damn it!"

Ye Qingli ranted out.

"Are you so anxious to die?"

"If you have the ability, will you come out here and harass me?"

She suddenly squatted and her tears flowed out silently.

The moonlight sparkled, shining upon the lonely figure of the girl in the forest.

Ye Qingli suddenly stood up.

She secured her equipment.

Did you want me to be indebted to you?

Did you want me to remember you in the future and never forget about you?

Dream on!

Even if I am indebted to you...

You would have to wait for me to repay you in your living self!

Ye Qingli lightning quick jumped into the ditch!

Judging by the sound she just heard, there seemed to be at least a dozen or so beasts chasing after her!

She saw the power of the beast with her very own eyes.

Even a well-trained army wouldn’t be able to put up a fight against them!

Moreover, Jun Ao Han still had cold poisoning!

That's right!

Jun Ao Han had the cold poisoning!

Jun Ao Han was heavily injured and then the cold poisoning begins to act up again.

Jun Ao Han knew that one person would not be able to deal with those beasts, so he left the chance of being reborn to himself!

It was laughable!

Jun Ao Han thought that he could be the saviour?

In his wildest dreams!

Ye Qingli suddenly coughed!

She coughed up some blood!

She suffered little injuries from the previous fight!

She took out the elixir from the other space and stuffed it directly into her mouth!

Carrying on!

After spending less than a fragment of time, she again entered the place from just now.

A pungent smell of blood was suffocating and being blown into her face!

It was so pungent that it almost caused her to pass out.

Her surroundings were dyed red with blood.

One by one, the bodies of the beasts slowly piled up from where she stood.

Each of the bodies had a gravely wound.

Obviously, they were all dead.

However, where was he?

Ye Qingli's heart suddenly sank to her feet.

She desperately moved the corpses aside.

"Hey! You better be coming out!"

This brat, he would not be hiding somewhere, wanting to scare her, right?

In the center, there were a few beasts that had their bodies minced up by sword cuts. Their corpses made it hard to determine their original forms.

In the pile of flesh and blood, there laid a man.

His clothes were torn and his body was covered with wounds.

The blood on his body seemed to have drained up.

However, looking at the familiar figure...

Ye Qingli knew.

It must be him!

She pulled the body over.

She placed her hand in front of his nose. His heart was colder than usual!

He had stopped breathing!

No pulse!

No heartbeat!

He was definitely a dead man!

Jun Ao Han's face was pale like paper, and his whole body had become a blood gourd.

His body was as cold as an iceberg.

Even if you get the best medical doctor of the Empire, that doctor would only say to prepare his funeral.

However, Ye Qingli was not sad.

She just wiped off the tears and blood that mixed on her face.

"I would not let you die. You can't die!"

"You definitely would not die!"

On the spot, she immediately brought Jun Ao Han into the other realm!

They appeared within the hot springs. Ye Qingli took off all of his clothes.

Then, she took out a heart-strengthening shot and injected him with it!

At this time she was very fortunate when she came into this body, she actually brought along her medical box.

Jun Ao Han was injected with three heart-strengthening shots, Ye Qingli began cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on Jun Ao Han without stopping.

All of the first aid treatments performed by her was done perfectly.

However, Jun Ao Han still had no vital signs.

At this time, she suddenly realized something that she encountered in her cultivation, there is a technique called Tian Wang Hu Xing.

It was a technique which directly stimulates the meridians around the human heart, and it had the same effect with an electric shock.

Although she had not fully mastered it, she could only treat this dead person as if she was treating an alive one!

Jun Ao Han had stopped bleeding, Ye Qingli then immediately put him into the hot spring. While sitting on his back, her palm was placed directly on the back where the heart was located.

She did not notice that Jun Ao Han’s cold hands slowly relaxed.

The purple jade pearl that he held in his hand slipped into the water.

Ye Qingli circulated her inner qi, and then channeled them into his body.

The two people’s meridians were tightly connected as if they had formed a long bridge, the inner qi flowing through it.

She did not know how much time had passed.


A huge rebounding force made Ye Qingli to be sent flying out of the hot springs!

The two of them spit blood at the same time!

Ye Qingli only felt every inch of her skin became so painful as if it was splitting apart.

However, she didn't mind it too much. She jumped back into the hot spring and cried in surprise, "How are you?"

Since he could vomit blood, it meant that he still had vital signs!

At this time, Ye Qingli did not notice that the pool water below was gradually getting cloudier.

The blood sput out by the two of them was mixed with the pool water. It slowly condensed into a thin line and was sucked in by a dim light.

It was the Purple Jade Pearl!

Suddenly, it was shining brightly!

The water of the entire hot spring started to glitter in gold!

She moved the body and suddenly rolled over!

Ye Qingli suddenly passed out.

While in a daze, she felt like she was amongst the endless clouds, it was shining bright in the sky, energy constantly poured into her body. The intense pain hit her, making her desperately wanting to open her eyes, but she couldn’t wake up.

Her mind was in a state of coma.

She did not know how many times she wanted to open her eyes, but she just gave up and stayed asleep.

She then started to believe in her heart.

"Since I haven't saved you yet!"

"You can't die here, and I can't die yet!"

The strong perseverance as an assassin she had developed for many years made her held onto her life till the end.

Just when Ye Qingli felt that she could no longer hold on, the pain suddenly disappeared, and she was awoken.

The feeling of being brought back alive filled her chest.

Subsequently, she could not react to it, she lowered her head and vomited.

She then noticed that she was so incredibly smelly as if she just came out from the gutter.

Her body was covered with a layer of dark oil.

But contrary to this, her state of mind was particularly clear-minded. She felt absolutely spiritual.

It was as if she just had a change of body.

When she turned her head around, she was surprised to see that Jun Ao Han’s body was also floating in the hot spring.

Although he was like herself being smelly, his chest was slowly raised. His breathing was stable.

His life was saved!

Ye Qingli laughed out loudly.

"I let you live, therefore you cannot die!"

She quickly took a shower in the back creek.

When she got out, her whole person felt refreshed.

Her figure seemed to have grown taller. Her figure was so beautiful that she looked like she came out of a painting.

The white skin gave off a beautiful luster.

But from within, there was a glimmer of sorrow.

Even when Ye Qingli looked at the water, she could not believe her very own eyes.

At this moment, even if her two glamorous sisters stand in front, they are only self-defeating!

She took in a deep breath.

The meridians across her body were unhindered.

She felt like she shredded her mortal body and was reborn!

She did not only succeed in practicing the godly amplifying technique but had also achieved heavenly spirit body!

This heavenly spirit body, she has only heard it once in legends.

It was said that this constitution was not possible to find in one out of a million people.

Those who possessed this kind of physique were all peerless beauties. They were all also martial artist geniuses, they were born able to take on a rank two soldier.

When they learned martial arts, they learned ten times as fast as others!

And the most important thing was--

With the heavenly spirit body, all poison had no effect on it!

As a healer, Ye Qingli naturally knew how precious the heavenly spirit body was.

This meant that from now on, any kind of poison under the sky would no longer have an effect on her.

As for the poison that was previously poisoning her, it was of course completely dispelled.

However, what happened just now?

Ye Qingli desperately tried to recall the events, then she remembered the Purple Jade Pearl.

However, when she went back to the hot springs to find it, she had already flipped the hot springs inside out but was still not able to find the pearl. She thought it might have been accidentally destroyed in the explosion just now.

Furthermore, she noticed that the pool water of the hot springs was slowly decreasing. It seemed to be being compressed and solidified.

In the middle of the pool, a piece of jade started to appear. It was also emitting warmth.

Could it be a Wan Nian Wen Yu(Ten-Thousand-Year-Old Warm Jade)?

She did not expect that within the other dimension, there would be such a peerless treasure!

Wan Nian Wen Yu, it was said that it could be used to concoct a Warm Exquisite Wine, which was the best elixir in the world!

It could be used to bring back a dead person and regrow flesh despite only the bones being left!

Legend had it that even if you had died and stopped breathing, as long as your head had not been cut off, you could still be brought back alive using the Warm Exquisite Wine!

As for the reattachment of severed limbs and the regeneration of rotten flesh, those were an easy feat for the elixir.

Ye Qingli almost jumped up in joy.

This time, even if you want to die, you would not be able to die!

This lady was not someone who liked to owe others!

This debt would have to wait for you to wake up, then let's calculate it clearly!

Since Ye Qingli had seen all of Jun Ao Han, she immediately dragged him to the back and began to spread the oil all over his body.

When Ye Qingli was finished giving him a shower, she only then noticed that Jun Ao Han had a mighty fit body. She didn't expect the skin hidden underneath was so white and delicate. It was not much worse than hers.

Well, he was quite good looking.

And she didn't like stinky thick men.

After Ye Qingli was done cleaning his back, she turned Jun Ao Han over.

After that, when she looked at the shorts between his legs, she was a little dazed by it.

Do I want to strip him naked?

Although she had already touched and seen it, she did not purposefully want to breach his privacy.

Ye Qingli finally thought of just rinsing it and be done with it.


If she did not wash it properly, she did not know whether it would grow ulcer?

Worst of all was that he was an adult male, if this matter was to be discussed outside of here, that would be the worst-case scenario.

No matter what, Jun Ao Han was still her saviour, she had to save him and the act was to save him entirely?

Ye Qingli looked at the spring water that was muddy and frowned.

"Forget it, I will just act as if I did not see it!"

She closed her eyes and threw Jun Ao Han into the water before she started to take off his pants.

She swore to the heavens, in both her lives, this was the first time she ever took off pants of a man!

Moreover, she was very embarrassed. She took a long time untying the pants but could not untie it.

"You are a big man, why would you tie your pants so tight?"

Ye Qingli did not know how long was she rubbing her body against his, but finally she was able to untie his pants.

Then she dipped half of his body underwater.

At that moment, only the upper body was revealed. She let out a sigh of relief.

Jun Ao Han was leaning against the side of the spring, breathing normally. He looked like he was fast asleep.

His ink-black long hair slightly draped over his shoulders. After it was soaked in water, it started to stick to his body and quietly float on the water. It had a strange and glamorous charm to it.

This enchanting face, Ye Qingli had long gotten used to it.

However, she suddenly found another kind of beauty to it.

He was just like an iceberg emitting chilling energy from within himself.

"He was just a quiet handsome man..."

Ye Qingli said it while sighing sorrowfully.


Ye Qingli looked around while feeling strange, she didn't know where that sound came from.

After a while, she reacted as if she had swallowed herself.

Ye Qingli took a handful of water and splash it hard on her face.

Although this man looked enchanting, this was not her first time seeing him.

Why was she feeling differently now?

It would appear that the air between them was turning pink.

A dubious atmosphere seemed to be slowly forming around them.

In her previous life as the Eldest Young Miss Ye, she had never experienced this kind of situation before, but she had heard of these kinds of situations countless times.

There was never a man that was handsome enough to make her blush and make her heart beat faster.

Damn it!

Only with two looks, she had never been intrigued by it, right?

She lowered her head and looked down. Fortunately, the pool was muddy. Otherwise, she would turn around and walk away so that she would not be able to look at it again.

What kind mother did he have? Her beauty must be able to cause the downfall of a country to be able to give birth to this person.

Ye Qingli immediately blocked the thought of a possibility that it was passed down by his father.

After all, a handsome man with this kind of degree, the world only needed one and it was enough.

"Cough! Cough!"

Ye Qingli splashed her face with cold water and began to carefully rub his body from the top to the bottom.

The upper body was better, although the white and delicate skin made her feel a little uneasy, she was still able to clean it little by little.

However, while cleaning below the waist, Ye Qingli suddenly began screaming.

After spacing out for a long time, she patted her face, took a towel from the side, and quickly scrubbed all the places that she had not cleaned.

Anyway, the place that was meant to be washed was washed already.

The place that she should not wash was also washed...

After washing, Jun Ao Han quietly floated on the water.

He breathed gently and his face was peaceful. It seemed that he was no different from normal people.

However, he just refused to wake up.

Ye Qingli sat by the edge of the pool, so she looked at him quietly.

The wounds on his body started to heal.

However, the previous tragic scene could still be seen in the form of his wounds.

There were a few big wounds, some even had his flesh showed inside out.

Even if he were to recover from it, it would definitely leave a bad scar behind.

And these wounds were only the result of the conflict with a few beasts!

Ye Qingli couldn’t comprehend what he was thinking when he had pushed himself this much.

Ye Qingli was currently in a situation where even if she were to crack her head, she would still not be able to comprehend it.

This brat, it seemed that she started looking up to him.

However, this kind of selfless and bold action he did, even if their relationship was that of a couple, it was not something that anyone could just do?

In her past life, when a couple faced a problem, the couple would then turn against each other despite their relationship. She had seen this happen too many times.

Those who could willingly throw away their life for someone else, there was really no one out there.

Moreover, they had only met each other once.

She was no longer a young lady in her teens.

In this world, how was love at first sight not just a myth?

Maybe it really did exist here.

But Ye Qingli had never heard of someone falling madly in love at first sight just like him.

Everyone only looked at one’s outward appearance of beauty!

Unless he had some sort of long vision.

Despite the fact that she did apply makeup, but with her makeup on, she only looked pretty and elegant. But at most, she was considered not ugly.

I don't really understand this man, what do you think of yourself...

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