Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 427: It Is Normal To Fail

Chapter 427: It Is Normal To Fail

That moment, she even considered that possibility that the reason why she was confined from her previous life, was that she is not supposed to be born in the first place.

Who would want to have a child that only causes misfortune? Is she a curse to all existence?

Highly possible, because the moment she had arrived at the Shizi Empire, she had experienced a never-ending problem that even implicated others.

She is starting to welcome death as she remembers a lot of things not only from her previous life as well as her short freedom in Shizi Empire.

Maybe, death is better than being confined to a place alone. "Why did I not kill myself sooner?" Gao Lan Mei asked herself loudly before she chuckled, almost mockingly as she remembered the times she almost felt like dying before. Sadly, it seems even death is not welcoming her.

Yes, there were times that she was not entirely alone. Her real father's subordinates are with her at one point before they left her to look for a way to free her.

Gao Lan Mei continued to lay beside Ma Fei Hong, not even realizing that more she accepts the notion of death the more the life of her physical form is shortening.

"Ah so tired" Gao Lan Mei murmured as she slowly closes her eyes. Scenes of events during her time in Shizi Empire flashes inside her mind.

The moment her eyes are closed, the mirror showing her clear reflection show slight movement, it looks like water flowing slowly before another figure appeared, initially blurred before it got clear enough to replace Gao Lan Mei's reflection

Did she miss all this because she closed her eyes or the figure intentionally hidden itself to her?

If Gao Lan Mei just opened her eyes that time, she may catch the figure that looks exactly the same as someone she knows. Sadly, she is too deep in thought, her emotions are all over the place. Sadness, regret

At this time, Gao Lan Mei wants to see her mother from this life as well as her father."How are they? I am so sorry mother, father I promised I won't make both of you worry but I can't do it anymore " Gao Lan Mei spoke loudly hoping her parents will hear her.

Gao Lan Mei does not have the ability anymore to feel the life force of the others, thus she does not know if they can still fight or if they are still alive.

"I thought I can do it as long as I wanted it so badly, but nature does not like me so much so I always fail" She continued to explain sadly while feeling the tiredness that is slowly making her consciousness.

Gao Lan Mei does not care anymore if death will overcome her. She has decided to worry about ones she arrive at the Underworld. Anyway, the surest thing in life is death and everyone, even everything will go to that route sooner or later.

She already tried hard. The wall is set up and Xiao Shi said that those that were captured already escaped, and the rest of the Justice Affairs officers will be arriving soon. Gao Lan Mei does not need to do anything else and just rest, even if it will be forever.

"It is normal to fail. It helps you learn." A voice spoke near Gao Lan Mei.

Since her consciousness almost far gone, she just answered nonchalantly, "Learn what?"

"The difference of real life from a dream."

"Huh. That is stupid." Gao Lan Mei laughed slightly with her eyes still closed, not showing any effort to differentiate if the voice she is hearing is real or a product of her imagination.

"Hmmm. I agree it is funny. You can always ask someone to slap you to know the difference between dream and reality..." It replied.

The voice sounded so much like someone Gao Lan Mei is familiar with but she cannot point who it is. She just knows that despite it sounding so childish, the tone sounds so comforting.

Then it continued, "However When you see beings trying so hard, despite knowing their effort is not going to bring them anywhere, you cannot just laugh on that. Just like you. I do not find your hard work laughable. I find it commendable."

Gao Lan Mei did not speak and thought everything she is hearing, "Why?"

"Why? Because regardless of how tiring it is, you cannot just give up especially if lives were sacrificed to save you. It is like spitting on their trust to you."

After hearing that, Gao Lan Mei mind suddenly thought of someone that sounds exactly like the voice.

She then opened her eyes and found that directly across her is a being inside the mirror that looks like Feng Ji!


Author's Note:

Hi guys!

End of update today. Thank you for the continuous support! While waiting, do check out "The Legendary Demon Hunter" by SilentMild, another pinoy author, while you wait for the next chapter.

(But pls. vote for BUCARW still -Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife is below the ranking huhu *wink wink mwah for motivation and mass release. Thanks!)

Please let me know what you think. Correction? Suggestions?

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