Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

They wasted a lot of time on the road, crossing through the gruer domain and directly entering the Tirith domain.

"Beetle" has been flying at high altitude, did not rashly approach any gathering place, using the "beetle" detection sensor device to find a safe landing site.

In the past few days after entering tiris law, the inductive display screen is full of red dots. It is difficult to find a place without red dots.

Four people all gathered in the operation room, looking at the dense red dots on the display screen, a little puzzled.

"There are so many monsters in tiris law?" There are so many red spots. They can't be Terrans. Many of them are in forest areas. Of course, there are also plain areas, even mountainous areas.

From the gruer region, the whole sky of the gruer region is quiet. Even if you land in a forest, you can see few exotic animals. The gathering place is even more quiet, like an empty city.

When I arrived at tiris, I didn't expect that it would be so "lively" here. The screen was full of red dots, big and small. The density was a little shocking.

Tang Dynasty saw Yan Xu one eye, Yan Xu twist eyebrow looking at the screen, always feel very strange.

"Go down and have a look?" Tang asked tentatively.

"After traveling so far, the flight route is straight, and we should encounter gathering places. Almost all of the things we see these days are like this. Whether it's in the wild or gathering places, they are all red dots of this density. How do you think the Terran will survive in this situation?" Yan Xu said the thought in the heart.

Tang Shi was surprised and suddenly looked back at the screen.

Staring at a few seconds, quickly walked to the console, in those keys on the fast knock a few times.

He said, "stand firm. I'll go down and investigate."

Originally, I was afraid of exposing my whereabouts and deliberately raised the altitude. Now, in order to explore the situation below, I have to lower the flight altitude and turn on the external imaging.

Several people are staring at the external image on another display screen. It was originally full of green. With the decrease of height, other colors appear on the screen, such as gray brown snake like mountains, dark yellow land, and dark areas circled into circles

The four men glared at the more and more clear ground, because there was a gathering place not far ahead. Tang Shi knocked twice on the console, instead of flying forward, he dropped vertically. The lower the height, the clearer the view of the gathering place.

When they saw the ruins, their hearts sank.

The ruins should have been a large gathering place. Even if they become ruins, they also occupy a large area of land. Nowadays, there is no one in the gathering place. There are all kinds of exotic animals running around. They are huge, bigger than those in the Tang Dynasty, and their shapes are very strange.

Tang Shi kept a close eye on a strange animal and manipulated the button to enlarge it on the screen.

The beast was shaped like a wild boar, covered with dark hard hair, and its skin was pricked with white bone spines, which seemed to be the ribs on both sides of the beast's abdomen. The beast passed through the ruins, nearly three stories tall!

There are many other exotic animals like this. They are strange in shape and huge in size. They have never met before in hunting and performing tasks. Tang Shi twisted his brows and stared at the wild boar like monster. "Do you think this monster looks familiar?"

Yan Xu's cold voice came, "creatures outside the Terran realm."

As soon as YanXu's voice fell, the sharp alarm suddenly penetrated into several people's eardrums. Tang Shi looked down at the induction display screen. A long red induction image, thick and long, seemed to split the display screen in two!

"Be careful!" In the Tang Dynasty, there was only time to shout out this sound, and then there was a loud bang. Everyone was clapped on the metal bulkhead because of inertia.

If you look from the outside, "beetle" is just like a baseball. It was whipped out by a bat and directly hit a barren mountain not far away.

By this blow, "beetle" almost completely abandoned, fell from the rock wall, fell to the ground, almost became a piece of shapeless waste.

All the energy in the beetle has stopped and it's dark.

Tang Shi lay down on the cold metal ground and slowed down for a long time before he regained consciousness.

Dizzy sit up, "you, how?"

"Damn..." Qin lie's painful voice came.

The sound of whistling around proved that they were all awake. Tang was very dizzy. It was estimated that he had just had a concussion. He sat on the ground and slowed down. He identified the direction and crawled toward the console.

All the lights in the operation room went out. Except for a few red spots flashing on the operation desk, there was no light.

Tang Shi guessed that it was just that blow that threw out the energy card in the energy slot. Tang Shi reached out and touched it to confirm.

All of a sudden, a creepy danger enveloped four people in an instant!

YanXu has divine power, and his feeling is more sensitive than others. His golden eyes start by themselves. In the dark, the two golden lights are very dazzling.YanXu yelled, "get out!"

At the same time, his body had already moved. He grabbed Tang Shi's wrist, dragged it from the ground, and rushed to the closed cabin door. Zhan Rong and Qin lie bounced up at the same time. Regardless of dizziness and bone pain, they rushed to the cabin door with Yan Xu.

After being dragged out for several steps, Tang Shi responded and quickly opened all the doors. The energy supply of the induction cabin door and the internal energy supply are not a system. Even if all the internal energy is cut off, the induction cabin door can still be opened. Otherwise, at this moment, they will be trapped inside.

YanXu used his magic power and was still running out with the fastest speed. Qin lie and Zhan Rong all rushed to the cabin door with the fastest speed in their life. They were tense and numb. There was a sharp alarm in their heads. Death enveloped them and dragged them into hell at any time!

When the eyes were bright, there was no time to be happy. The compressed air in the rear rushed all four of them out!

Four people fell heavily on the ground, accompanied by a "click" sound of metal friction.

Several people turned to see, all took a cold breath, "beetle" has been a huge beast, a foot stepped into thin slices!

If they didn't run out just now, they would all be dead by now.

They have no time to be lucky. The huge sense of crisis before them can't allow them to think much. They are completely shrouded in a shadow. A single foot is bigger than the "beetle". The leg is just a blue pillar to the sky. They can't see how big the body is. Their only reaction is to get up and rush forward!

You have to get out of here, or they'll be trampled on!

Such a big monster, the four of them together are not big enough.

Their goal is the rock mountain in front of them. As long as they hide at the foot of the mountain or in any crevice, this giant monster will not be able to eat them. The rock mountain in front of them is also very huge and can always block them. There is really no other way, so we can only let go!

The huge shadow on top of their heads was covered, and they were all shouting in their hearts, hoping to be faster! Faster!

Run to the rock mountain!

However, the fishy wind behind, along with the hot breath, has caught up with them, and they are about to be eaten!

Seeing that he couldn't avoid it, the sword appeared in YanXu's hand and suddenly turned around. A golden light swept over, and the huge tongue rolled over was cut off by YanXu's sword!

The hot blood is like a fountain to cover Yan Xu's body and face!

YanXu didn't stop and continued to turn around and run forward. Behind him was the roar of the huge monster shaking the world.

Shocked by such a huge biological sound wave, YanXu has the power to protect the body, but he is also dizzy and his chest is stuffy.

Tang Shi, Qin lie and Zhan Rong, who are running in front of them, spray blood directly and lie on the ground. They are shocked by the sound wave.

Even if Qin lie and Zhan Rong were pure blood again, the blood of the ancient hundred ethnic groups would not work. In front of the absolute strong, there was no chance of winning at all! YanXu strong support did not fall to the ground, staggering two steps, catch up with the front of the three people.

Several people have no strength to run again, get up, sit on the ground, look up to attack them in the end is what monster.

At this point, several people can see clearly.

Don't think about it. Judging from the size and shape of this giant creature, it definitely has the blood of the dragon race, and it's also a dragon race of great blood. Fortunately, this green skinned creature is just like the dragon family in size and shape. It should also be a hybrid dragon. It can only run on the ground, but can't fly.

It has no wings!

Even if the shape is incomplete and the size is so big, there must be a lot of dragon blood inherited.

It's just that the Tang Dynasty couldn't figure out why the space rule didn't care for such a powerful existence? Shouldn't its power be suppressed?

YanXu's dragon card hasn't been used in the Terran realm since it was upgraded to Starling Blue Dragon. He's afraid of being suppressed by the law of space, or having an impact on the law of space, which makes it collapse ahead of time. These are not what YanXu wants to see, so he hasn't used the dragon card.

But why? This creature with such high dragon lineage can exist in the Terran realm?! Does the law of space really matter?! The injured pseudodragon was completely irritable, and the huge head pressed on them again, opening its mouth, obviously trying to swallow them.

The dragon card has been pinched at the fingertips of YanXu, ready to activate anytime and anywhere.

At this time, suddenly, the earth shaking, just up four people fell down again, stretched over the huge head, suddenly knocked open by a hill!

Four people at the same time a Leng, then feel the ground is still violent shaking, shaking, as if the world is about to crack.

The mountain behind him is constantly rising. After the mountain really stands up, it becomes a real giant, which is no less than the fake dragon in front of it.

The mountain giant who has been sleeping in this land, under the great threat of this fake dragon, forced to wake up, and hit the head that violated his territory with a thunderbolt.The tongue of the hybrid dragon was injured. It was just when he was most furious that he was beaten by the mountain giant. This hatred immediately ended. The hybrid dragon left several weak prey and turned to deal with the mountain giant who threatened it. The two giants started fighting at the moment. Tang Shi and others were in the open space between the two sides. It was a rare paradise, but it was not a place to stay for a long time.

When they saw that they were fighting, the Tang Dynasty gritted its teeth to support them and activated the mechanical dragon. Four people climbed up and quickly escaped to the safety zone. The roaring sound behind them was deafening, and the deadly sound waves were even wider.

A few people on the back of the mechanical man dragon couldn't hold on any longer. They had to stop the mechanical man dragon first.

YanXu used the defense card he bought in the Tang Dynasty - jiejie Shenzhu. Six dark gray Shenzhu appeared in the air, quickly supporting a spherical defensive jiejie, covering several people, so that the sound wave of the hybrid blood pseudodragon could not cause damage to them.

The barrier pillar has a small covering area, but it has a strong defensive force, and it appears faster than the dreamer's Tower in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use the barrier pillar than the dreamer's Tower in times of crisis.

Protected by jiejie Shenzhu, four people can finally catch their breath. In Tang Dynasty, he YanXu can use the treatment card to treat internal injuries, while Qin lie and Zhan Rong are in trouble. Their sources of energy have changed, and no one is familiar with the power of arcane magic. They can only feel for it by themselves. When they get powerful power, they will also have a lot of troubles.

Suddenly, a lot of glittering powder fell down in the sky, and a strange force came through the defensive border.

In Tang Dynasty, I don't know what happened. I have a feeling, but I can't catch it. There is only endless panic.

“…… The law of space here It's collapsing. " Yan Xu's voice was also a little trembling.


Tang Shi was shocked to turn his head and look at Yan Xu. He saw that his lips were tight and his face was pale. It was obvious that he had already felt it.

The law of space in this area began to collapse during the fighting between the two transcendent beings not far away.

In other words, the law of space in this area is weak. Otherwise, where did the hybrid dragon come from? The mountain giant was awakened by chance. The energy fluctuation of the two in the battle caused devastating damage to the weak space law.

The law of space is between suppression and anti destruction, and the latter appears.

The strength of these two creatures is too strong, and the weak space law can't suppress them, which leads to the collapse of the space law in this area!

The white fog rose around, and soon everything in front of us was out of sight. Only the roar of the hybrid dragon was still there, and the two transcendent creatures still didn't stop, because their fighting made all the nearby creatures hide without a trace.

"Get out of here, quick!" The collapse of space law on this side will cause space disorder. If there is a space crack, they will be easily involved.

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