Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 448

Chapter 448

Yan Jing took a look at Yan Xu and said, "it was originally the house that my grandfather gave you to get married. Later, all my family moved to the inner city, and my grandfather bought you a new house in the inner city. However, this one is relatively small. It's also a small villa. You like it."

Several people listen to, all feel that the old man is too wise, unexpectedly so early on the Yan Xu's marriage room ready, this is not ostensibly want to cheap them?

A few people listened to the words of Yan Jing, all "whew" look to Yan Xu, waiting for Yan Xu to make up his mind.

For them to say that they must choose a house in the middle of the city, on the one hand, the key is that the surrounding environment is good, and there will be no crowded and noisy in the inner city. The middle of the city should be relatively clean, but the house is prepared for YanXu by the old man. Where to choose to live, we should listen to YanXu, as long as we don't "get along with the two aunts" day and night ", and let them live in a simple tent Yes, they are.

YanXu had no parents since he was a child, and he was brought up by his grandfather. He was sure that everything would be ready for YanXu. When he came back last time, the old man didn't mention it. Because YanXu was staying at home, he would be transferred to another gathering place soon. Of course, he had to live at home. Besides, he didn't see his grandson for such a long time, so the old man wanted to keep his grandson at home all the time He will not be allowed to live alone.

This time, they will live in Yanlai city. They must have their own house. They can't live in YanXu's house all the time. Besides, YanXu still has so many friends. If they live at home, it will be very inconvenient. Qin lie and Zhan Rong are like this again. ASA is a foreigner, so it's better not to live together.

YanXu didn't bother about the house, only asked Tang Shi, "where do you want to live?"

Since it's for him to get married, his lover is by his side now. Of course, it's up to his lover to decide where he wants to live.

In the Tang Dynasty, with a smile on his face, he almost didn't have to think about it

In the past, when the gathering places were not merged, they were the most densely populated and the most expensive in the inner city. Now there are so many people gathering in a huge gathering place. The population has increased so many times that the housing is more tense and the population is more dense. In the case of several of them, it is better to find a clean place. Besides, there are so many houses and rooms over there I can live as much as I want.

No matter from which point of view, it is the house in midtown that is most suitable for them.

YanXu nodded, "then live in Zhongcheng."

Qin lie and long Mian are greatly relieved, and finally can not face the two aunts of Yan Xu, great!

Zhan Rong said, "where is the house? Just take us there. "

Qin lie and long Mian both nodded and decided to go back to their residence first, instead of going to Yan's house with them. When they had a chance, they would visit the old man.

Yan star don't let, not easy to look forward to them back, didn't expect they didn't go to Yan home, so what fun? It's fun to have to go!

"Grandfather knows that you are back, and the family must be preparing a big meal for you. How can we not go there?"

In the Tang Dynasty, he understood Zhan Rong's concerns. Now people in Huazun are not friendly to people who have the power of blood.

When they met Nie Shao before, they didn't mention it. All they knew was that the blood awakeners of Hua Zun domain had disappeared for no reason. Zhou Xiang said to his face that the blood awakeners had defected, so they had to pay attention to it. After all, Qin lie and Zhan Rong are now pure blood animal spirits and elves, and there is no human form. If the blood awakeners' reputation really stinks, they will open their eyes It's not good.

Tang Shi said: "go to the residence first, and don't go to Yan's house for the time being. When it's arranged here, I'll go to see my grandfather with Yan Xu."

Yan Xu has only two words, "lead the way."

Yanjing had to take them to Zhongcheng's residence first, let Yanxing go back to find grandfather to take the key here.

On the way to his residence, Tang Shi asked about the rebellion of the blood awakeners.

As the leader of Yanlai City, Yanjing can't be unaware of this.

Yanjing really knows, because there is nothing to say about it, and he thinks that Qin lie and Zhan Rong are his own people, which has nothing to do with his blood, so he didn't mention it before, but he didn't expect that Zhou Xiang would say it face to face, which makes people unable to come down to the stage. "Zhou Xiang has no words to hide, you don't mind." Yan Jingxian explained, "the blood awakeners of huazunyu have really disappeared. No one knows what happened, so they suddenly disappeared. Later, when he sent troops to support the retreat of a gathering place in Huaxia City, he saw some blood awakeners from Huazun area in the team of the foreign Union forces. They were all working for the foreign Union forces. "

Zhou Xiang just heard the adults talking about it, so he said it face to face. It's too reckless.

Yan Jing said not much, but they all understand, others don't know what is going on, Tang and others are very clear. Those blood awakeners who suddenly disappeared must have been summoned back by various ethnic groups. As for how to summon As long as the purity of blood is high enough, other low purity blood members of the same family can be suppressed.

At that time, Qin compatriots were not willing to fight. Otherwise, they would not have been able to disappear.If at first, the pure blood animal spirit of DOMA didn't take the initiative to let Qin lie leave, they couldn't take Qin lie away.

Zhan rongneng was so easy to be taken away by ASA that the influence of blood suppression disappeared after a certain distance. It was only because the leader of the light spirit had not completely pure blood, and Zhan Rong's blood purity was not low, so his suppression of Zhan Rong was very limited, which made him escape.

But now, even if the beast spirit clan and the spirit clan come to the door on their own initiative, they don't want to use their blood to suppress them. On the contrary, they can use their pure blood to suppress the people of the same clan.

It seems that the leader of the light elves needs to be replaced.

After hearing the explanation of Tang Dynasty, Yanjing was surprised. They didn't expect that the lineage of the ancient hundred had such ability. Pure blood could control the lower blood members of the same race.

If this is the case, it will make sense. Otherwise, there is no way to explain that so many blood awakened people in the gathering place have disappeared quietly. If they have been killed, it is not likely. These blood awakened people are very powerful. Who can kill them so quietly? And there are still so many people.

"How did Qin lie and Zhan Rong get away?" Yan Jing asked, if they can get out of control, can others?

When Tang Dynasty saw Yan Jing's idea, he shook his head and said: "the leader of the animal spirit clan is a pure blood animal spirit. The power of blood is very strong. Qin lie was suppressed and wanted to escape by himself. That's impossible. Qin lie was let go by the leader of the animal spirit clan. Zhan Rong can escape because the current leader of the light elves is not pure blood. In addition, Zhan Rong's blood purity is not low, and his suppression of Zhan Rong is limited. Only in this way can ASA successfully rescue people. "

Yanjing understands that if it is like this, the possibility of those who are taken away from their blood awakening to come back is almost zero. If they have blood in their body, they will be oppressed by blood. Unless their blood can become the strongest of a family, they can only be oppressed by the strong.

After sorting out the matter, their residence arrived.

Mechanical Manlong stops in front of a villa. The villa is really big. Even the garden covers a large area. It's surrounded by green belts. You have to walk a long way to see other residents. This place is very quiet and suitable for them.

Yan star has not come back, they can not enter the door now, can only wait outside the courtyard.

Although it's in the middle of the city, it's close to the inner city. If you want to go home, it's not too far away. Now you can use the mount card in the gathering place, and the speed will be much faster.

They didn't wait long, burning star rode his mount to come over, throw the key in the hand to burning thread.

A few people opened the door and went in. No one took care of the garden. The garden was full of weeds. Fortunately, the house had been decorated, but no one lived in it. When they went in and looked at the house, they were very satisfied and chose their favorite rooms. After a few people turn around, the effect is that two people choose one floor, and each floor has master bedroom, secondary bedroom and study.

Tang did not want to climb, chose the third floor of the room, YanXu nature and Tang live together.

Qin lie and Zhan Rong chose the room on the fourth floor, long Mian chose the fifth floor, and ASA also chose the fifth floor very impolitely.

Longmian's decision to live in the same room on the "beetle" was because there was no room to live in. Now that he came back, with so many rooms to choose from, he had to live with himself. It was absolutely intentional!

ASA had already felt the softening and friendship of longmian. Of course, he had to be cheeky. If someone else chose a master bedroom in pairs, how shameless would he have to choose two rooms? The two of them buried their bones in Hogwarts. Haven't they already made up their minds? So it's natural to live together.

ASA blinked, indicating that he didn't understand the reason of longmian's side purpose and pretended to be confused.

Longmian didn't agree or refuse, so Default?

Well, ASA thought that this must be longmian's default, so he could move in happily and live with him!

Tang Shi saw that they had chosen the room, took out all the personal belongings that he had put here, and let them move back to their own room. He was finally free.

When they enter the house, Qin lie and Zhan Rong don't have to wrap themselves up any more and take off their cloaks. Their appearance is more intuitive in front of Yan Jing, Yan Xing and Yan Ling. When they see the appearance of Qin lie and Zhan Rong, they all stare big.

The burning star calls a way directly: "you how is this appearance?"?! I've seen orcs and elves before. They are almost the same as Terrans. It's the first time I've seen you like that! "

Yan Xing rushes to Qin lie and impolitely pulls Qin lie's ears on his head. The furry animal's ears are touched by Yan Xing. He can't help shaking and pats the paw open. If you don't want to touch your ears, go around and pull the tail.

The tail was caught, Qin lie's hair was blown up, like a little flower tiger. He quickly jumped away and showed his teeth to Yan Xing. Two sharp animal teeth showed up, and he cried with a red face: "where are you touching?! Don't touch my tail! "Seeing that Qin lie's reaction was so big, Yan Xing was even more excited. He rushed over and had to scratch again. His tail and ears were hairy and soft. Touching them in his hands was as comfortable as touching a cat. "Why can't you touch them? Let me play again, what are you blushing about? What's the point of touching a tail? "

"Don't come here! Asshole! You can't touch the tail! " Qin lie screams miserably. Because he is nervous, his tail stands stiff behind him and becomes a straight stick. He runs downstairs to prevent Yan Xing from catching up with him.

Zhan Rong, standing beside him, looked at them playing with a black face.

Tail That's where only he can touch! Qin lie's tail is very sensitive!!

Zhan Rong stretched his face and rushed down without saying a word. His long Milky way hair floated in the air for two times. He had already stood downstairs and slapped Yan Xing, who rushed to Qin lie.

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