Apocalypse Cheater

Chapter 115 More Op

115  More Op

[: Daniel POV :]

Bella and I bid farewell to the Guardians of the Sky, and we decided to spend some time in this captivating city.

Crystal Blind was a unique city, renowned for its breathtaking crystal formations that had become a sightseeing marvel.

As we strolled through the city, I couldn't help but be amazed by its modernized, fantastical atmosphere.


Instead of traditional trees, tall, clear crystals stood tall, creating a mesmerizing display that had seemingly existed in this natural wonderland for countless years.

After exploring the city, Bella and I decided to book rooms at a local hotel to rest and discuss our plans for the future.

However, Bella chose my room for our discussion, indicating the seriousness of the matters we needed to address.

Normally, Bella should have her personal group of bodyguards since she would easily be assassinated especially during this time.

But with me here, there's no way anyone could easily harm me since I had my shadow soldiers protecting her discreetly protect her without even her knowing.

Eventually, I turned to Bella and began our discussion. "Now that we're here, how many factions do you have on your side?"

In this world, the rulers' power and legitimacy were not solely determined by their descendants' strength but also by the alliances and favours they could garner from various factions.

Having the support of the 5 Perpetual Rulers was a significant advantage that could greatly influence the outcome of Bella's quest for the throne.

Bella's expression turned slightly troubled as she responded, "Right now, I only have 3 Factions and 1 Perpetual Ruler in favour of my ruling, and Uncle Jake has 2 Factions and 2 Perpetual Rulers while the rest are neutral."

I nodded, understanding the complex political landscape she was navigating.

"How many factions and perpetual rulers are there in total?"

She explained, "There are 10 Factions, and these are known as the 10 Noble Families. Additionally, there are 5 Perpetual Rulers, each of whom governs one of the districts—the North, East, South, West, and the Main District."

Understanding her explanation, I continued to probe, "According to you, how confident are you in pulling the remaining factions to your side?"

The grim reality of the situation became apparent as Bella spoke, "None at all. Most of the factions and rulers were under my father because they feared his strength''

''Now that there are two competitive King and Queen candidates, they either wish to side with Uncle Jake for his violent rule or my side to take advantage of my naivety."

I understood the underlying motives of the factions; they were driven by their own ambitions and desires to rule without anyone to dictate their actions.

The opportunity to seize power had presented itself, but some were cautious, not wanting to incur the wrath of the Hero King.

Once the rumours of the Hero King's illness had emboldened the factions, it led them to take matters into their own hands.

Practices that were once banned, such as slavery, began to resurface.

The abuse of maids who were vulnerable to exploitation was on the rise.

Young masters were executing anyone they disliked without consequences.

The once-existing equality between the rich and poor was crumbling, and the kingdom was descending into chaos.

As the rumours of the Hero King's illness continued to spread, even the once-unshakable Justice Association found itself succumbing to bribery.

"Then, if they are afraid of your father, then, wouldn't it be better if I could just showcase my power and just terrify them out?"

I suggested, but she shook her head and chuckled at how cute my suggestion was.

However, Bella, with a chuckle, shook her head, appreciating my concern but recognizing the limitations of such a solution.

"That wouldn't solve the problem, Daniel," she explained.

"Abusing your power in this way would only perpetuate the cycle of power struggles''

''We need a more sustainable solution that doesn't rely solely on fear." Her tone was thoughtful, reflecting the weight of the responsibility she felt as a future queen.

"If we make them fear us, the respect we gain will be built on fear alone," Bella explained.

"I want to lead by earning their trust and support. I want them to rely on me, believe in me, and never lose faith in my ability to bring positive change to this world."

I nodded, understanding her perspective and appreciating her commitment to being a leader who could inspire loyalty and hope rather than mere compliance through fear.

"And how do we do that?" I asked, curious about Bella's plan.

She tilted her head and suggested, "Through achievements, perhaps?"

I nodded in understanding.

"You want to earn the trust and favour of your people by accomplishing significant achievements that will garner their support. But what kind of achievements are you hoping to accomplish?"

I brought up a valid concern. "Moreover, if we reveal your identity now, won't you be targeted?"

"But won't you be there to protect me?" She asked with an expectation that I would always be there for her.

I smiled and chuckled at her words. "Yes, Bella, I'll be there for you." Her trust and faith in me were evident, after all, I was the one who told her that I'd be there for her.

Eventually, we discussed further details about our plans and how they could impact the continent.

After our conversation, I found myself alone in the room, finally able to check my harvest for the day.

I began to assess my gains.

Let's see, I have a total of 7 S Rank Skill Books, 8 Skill Upgrade Runes, and one Divine Dividing Core.

It had been a fruitful day, and I knew these resources would be valuable in the challenges that lay ahead.

But as I held the core in my palms, my heart began pulsating and this overpowered core was within my hands.

[: Divine Dividing Core will infuse the Player's body to unlock the sealed power of White Divider Dragon. Do you wish to fuse? :]

I didn't hesitate for a moment to absorb and fuse this newfound power that I had always wanted.

As soon as I agreed, the core shattered into pure white essences of energy, and I could feel its incredible strength coursing through me as it entered my chest.


At that moment, I could feel the acceleration of my heart rate, as if an inferno blazed within me, causing a sensation of intense pressure and exhilarating pain that gripped my entire being.

This transformation was initiated deep within my core, where the intricate network of my Yggdrasil heart's vessels converged.

The Yggdrasil heart and my core appeared to be in perfect sync, mutually empowering one another as they exchanged energies.

This symbiotic relationship caused my Yggdrasil Heart to flourish with newfound vitality and strength.

As time passed, the tree within my Yggdrasil Heart continued to grow, its roots extending further into the very essence of my existence.

It absorbed the radiant white divider dragon essence, seamlessly merging it with my bloodline.

This fusion created a magnificent reservoir of power that far surpassed any of my previous capabilities.

It was a breathtaking transformation, granting me a formidable strength that reverberated throughout my entire being.

Dragon Core Rank 1: Provides One million Mana and HP. Each rank increase will provide double the 04:12

previous amount.

[: Congratulations, you have fused the core of the heavenly white divider dragon, Yggdrasil Heart, Blue Jakasaka obtained a new bloodline and new set of skills :]

[: Congratulations, you have formed a new bloodline called Superior Hybrid Dragotrex :]

[: Your stats have been updated with an extra column: Dragon Core Rank: 1 :]

[: Your stats have been updated with an extra column: Phoenix Core Rank: 1 :]

[: Your stats have been updated with an extra column: Yggdrasil Heart Rank: 1 :]

[: You have received newly updated sets of skills: Hybrid Aura(S), Superior Ethereal Flames(S), Hybrid Element Affinities(S), Superior Element Enhancement(S), Superior Yggdrasil Blessing(S), Superior Divider(S), White Mirror(S), Humanoid Superior Hybrid Dragotrex(S), True Superior Hybrid Dragotrex(S), Superior Yggdrasil Enhancement(S) :]

HybridAura - An aura containing a divine dragon's might with a Primordial Tree and Immortal Phoenix.

Superior Ethereal Flames - The Bloodline that has been fused with White Divider Dragon, Yggdrasil Tree, Blue Jakasaka and Immortality contains the ability to manipulate white flame. The user can create or manipulate flames capable of burning the enemies neverending. On the other hand, the flames allow the healing of even the impossible back to the possible. It also can burn Deities or beings who are beyond your understanding

Hybrid Element Affinities - Affinities towards all elements increased by 30 times

Superior Element Enhancement - All Element's damage or effects have been increased by 30 times*

Dragon Core Rank 1: Provides One million Mana and HP. Each rank increase will provide double the previous amount.

Phoenix Core Rank 1: Provides One million Mana and HP. Each rank increase will provide double the previous amount.

Yggdrasil Heart Rank 1: Increases the recovery speed of Hp and Mp by 10 times. Each rank increase will provide double the previous amount.

Superior Yggdrasil Blessing: Immune to physical and magical attacks. All stats will multiply by 30. All regeneration will be increased by 50 times. Green, Wind and Nature Magic affinities and abilities will multiply by 30 times.

Superior Divider: Divide your enemy's prowess into half. Each Divide will last for one second and each second consumes 10,000 Mana. The stronger the resistance towards the divide, the more Mana will be consumed.

White Mirror: Reflect your enemies' attacks, the more mirrors you summon, the more powerful your attack will be.

HumanoidSuperior Hybrid Dragotrex: Transformed into a humanoid version of Primordial Dragonex where all capabilities will be enhanced up to 5 times.

True Superior Hybrid Dragotrex: Transformed into a true version of heavenly divine dragonex where all capabilities will be enhanced up to 10 times*

Superior Yggdrasil Enhancement: All trees and flowers can be manipulated from their growth to recovering their vitality.


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