American: Native Empire

Chapter 101: Family.

Chapter 101: Family.

Everything was going well, but Kim Kiwoo had one thing on his mind lately.

Some things dont go as planned.

It was inevitable in this world of people.

The ones who made Kim Kiwoo worry were none other than his family.


Kim Kiwoo let out a deep sigh and thought of his family, who seemed to be precious to him.

Among the four sons and one daughter of his empress, the four men were all well-established and living well.

The eldest, the crown prince, had ruled the Central Continents direct territory well for a long time.

Thanks to him, the direct territory had no problems.

The second son, who I was worried about, is also living without any trouble.

Clear Raindrop, who had lived under the pressure of being Kim Kiwoos child since he was young, became immersed in religion as he grew up and now devoted himself to the religious world.

The third son, Yellow Flame, followed his education from childhood and polished his scholarship, entering the Imperial University.

The fourth son, Blue Earth, also received recognition for his contribution to popularizing weight training and joined the military department.

If he continued like this, he would be able to become the head of the military department.

The problem was the remaining two women.

I guess I have to prepare myself.

The empress, Deep Lake, was getting worse day by day.

It was understandable.

Deep Lake had been in her old age for a long time.

Eventually, the inevitable shadow of death approached closer and closer.

Kim Kiwoo felt a heavy weight in his chest whenever he thought of her.

He had expected this to happen since he married her, but it was hard to accept when it came face to face.

Kim Kiwoo finished his work and went to see her.

How are you feeling?

Im fine. Im fine. Youve worked very hard today.

Deep Lakes face was pale from illness as she lay in bed.

But she tried to smile brightly.

Kim Kiwoo knew why she was doing that.

She was more troubled by Kim Kiwoos sadness than her own physical condition.

Kim Kiwoo held her hand tightly and talked about everyday things.

In the middle of that,

A topic that Kim Kiwoo didnt like at all came out of her mouth.

Your Majesty. Why do you keep rejecting the earnest requests of the courtiers? If its because of me, please dont do that.

Didnt we agree not to talk about that?

How can I do that when I know its because of me

There was a deep sadness in Deep Lakes voice.

Kim Kiwoo held her trembling hand firmly.

Of course, he couldnt deny what she said.


This discussion had started a long time ago.

Before Deep Lake entered her old age, she felt that her body was getting heavier day by day.

Around that time, Deep Lake pushed for Kim Kiwoo to find a new companion.

The courtiers also knew this and soon delivered this proposal to Kim Kiwoo.

But Kim Kiwoo postponed and postponed their earnest requests.

The empresss intention was very clear and the reason was also valid.

But Kim Kiwoo couldnt even imagine another woman sitting in the empresss seat at this point.

Theres no problem with the succession structure now, right?

The necessity of having an empress in place had also faded a lot.

Of course, the existence of an empress could satisfy the mental stability of the imperial citizens, but it wasnt like something big would happen if the empresss seat was vacant.

All four princes were married and had children in their concubines, so there was no risk of Kim Kiwoos bloodline being cut off.

He didnt know if he would ever meet a woman he liked, but he had no desire to force a new empress into his life right now.

After finishing his thoughts, Kim Kiwoo smiled and stroked her snow-white hair.

Dont worry about anything and take care of your health. We should go on a trip together as a family again, dont you think?

Your Majesty

Rest well for today.

Kim Kiwoo ended the conversation and left her worries behind.


The next day.

Kim Kiwoo summoned the princess who was making him sick to his office.


Youre here. Sit down.


Following Kim Kiwoos words, Bright Starlight sat down across from him and sipped the tea that was prepared in advance.


Kim Kiwoo sighed inwardly as he looked at the princess.

I never thought the princess would be such a headache.

He thought it would be the second prince who would cause him trouble, but now it was the princess who was the biggest problem among his children.

Bright Starlight was well past thirty.

But she was still unmarried.

In the Wakan Tanka Empire, where people married early, there was no old maid like her.

Kim Kiwoo asked bluntly.

How long are you going to postpone your marriage? You have to think about your age too.

The princess also spoke with frustration.

I want to do it very much. But how can I do it when I dont feel anything? You always told me. You have to marry a man you like to be happy.

He did say that.

Kim Kiwoo had never pushed for a political marriage with his children.

He would have understood if it was necessary, but there was no need to pursue a political marriage in the current state of the empire.

Kim Kiwoo wanted his children to marry someone they loved.

And all four of his sons did. 

They found their perfect matches and got married.

But Bright Starlight rejected many of the elite men in the empire.

Even so, this is too much. Dont you know that your mother is worried about your marriage too?

I know.

Bright Starlights face quickly turned gloomy.

It wasnt that she didnt want to get married.

She also wanted to meet a handsome man and live a happy life.


Theres no such man.

It was Kim Kiwoos fault that this happened.

He was busy with his band life now and spent a lot of time outside the palace, but when he was young, he hardly ever left the palace.

So she grew up watching Kim Kiwoos amazing achievements from an early age.

The second princess felt pressured by this, but she admired Kim Kiwoo.

This was reinforced by their family trips.

She felt the deep love of the people for Kim Kiwoo with her whole body.

Maybe thats why.

As a result, her eyes pierced through the ceiling and ascended to the sky.

Since Kim Kiwoo became her standard, there was no man who could satisfy her heart.

She tried hard too.

She knew that there was no man like Kim Kiwoo in reality, so she tried to lower her standards.

But even after lowering her standards so much, the hurdle was still too high.

Kim Kiwoo knew about her worries to some extent, so he had kept quiet until now.

But he thought that if he stayed like this, he might die alone in old age.

He could no longer remain silent.

Finally, Kim Kiwoo declared.

Ill give you one year. If you cant find a partner by yourself within a year, Ill find a suitable match for you. Remember that. Do you understand?

Yes, Father.


Not long after that.

One of his children, the one who made Kim Kiwoo uncomfortable, was added.

It was none other than the fourth prince, Blue Earth.

Say that again. Where do you want to go?

When Kim Kiwoo asked again, Blue Earth bowed his head and muttered quietly.

I said I want to go to the Warriors Soul.

Do you really have to do that?

I know what you are worried about, Your Majesty. But I really want to go to the Warriors Soul this time. Please grant me permission!

Kim Kiwoos head throbbed at the sight of Blue Earths serious expression.

I know what the Warriors Soul means to the imperial warriors. But it is also very dangerous.

I know that.

The Warriors Soul.

It was a tournament that determined the best among the formidable warriors of the empire.

No matter how much the empire became a society centered on scholarship, the position of outstanding warriors was still high.

And the warriors wanted to prove that they were better than others.

Scholarship or other fields could be proven to some extent by the achievements of scholars, but warriors could not.

In the end, they needed a duel that was like a real battle for this purpose.

Therefore, in the past, there were many duels everywhere, and the damage caused by them was not trivial.

It was because using wooden swords in duels was considered cowardly.

The Warriors Soul was created to prevent such indiscriminate damage.

Once every two years, they fought in a tournament to select the strongest warrior of the empire.

Those who participated in the battle wore armor with steel on their main parts and fought with steel swords without edges.

They tried to pay attention to safety as much as possible, but every time the Warriors Soul was held, there were many casualties.

I thought I would change it when the pride of the warriors weakened and the need for safety increased

But before that happened, Blue Earth said he wanted to participate in the Warriors Soul.

He understood.

If he achieved outstanding results in the Warriors Soul, he would be revered by the imperial warriors himself, and he would be one step closer to becoming the head of military affairs that he wanted.

Kim Kiwoo frowned slightly and opened his mouth.

I know what you are worried about. But even if you dont go to the Warriors Soul, you can be the head of military affairs. So I hope you dont rush.

Your words are certainly right. But if I become the head of military affairs as I am now, how can that be thanks to my ability? I dont want to become the head of military affairs because of my background as a prince.

As soon as his firm words ended, Kim Kiwoo could tell what troubled him as a prince in an instant.

After all, even spreading weight training, which was his greatest achievement as a prince, was thanks to Kim Kiwoo.

I get it.

A picture formed in Kim Kiwoos head roughly.

The military department had a vertical atmosphere by its nature.

And in the eyes of senior officials of the military department, Blue Earth must have looked like a parachutist.

He must have eaten a lot of eye candy even if they didnt say it outright.

And this expectation was accurate.

There were many things like this after Blue Earth entered the military department.

He clenched his fist and continued his words.

I want to prove that I have enough qualifications to be the head of military affairs by going to this Warriors Soul.

Ill think about it. For now, leave.

Yes, Father.

He saluted Kim Kiwoo as befitting a military official and left his office.

My head feels like its going to explode.

After the Empress, Princess and now fourth prince did this, Kim Kiwoos worries piled up even more in his chest.

Is it right to allow him?

If Kim Kiwoo firmly refused, Blue Earth would surely not go to the Warriors Soul.

But Kim Kiwoo had always respected his childrens free will, and the Warriors Soul seemed very important for Blue Earths dignity.

It felt like preventing him from going to the Warriors Soul was blocking his way forward.

Afterwards, he discussed this with other heads including the head of military affairs and agonized for several days and nights.

But maybe the conclusion was already decided from the beginning.

There is no parent who wins over their child

He felt like he knew why that saying came out.

In the end, Kim Kiwoo allowed Blue Earth to participate in the Warriors Soul.

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