A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1268: The World of Giant Beasts

Chapter 1268: The World of Giant Beasts

Shen Xiang is still at the bottom. He rises along the straight dragon body, feeling the waves of spiritual energy released by this dragon vein. It gushes out from the dragon body like a storm, which makes Shen Xiang amazed. This dragon vein is far beyond the one in the evil dragon burial ground.

"This dragon vein should have existed for a long time, but why was there no movement before?" Shen Xiang was very curious about this. If the Fire God Temple had known that the dragon vein was here a long time ago, they might have airdropped here and occupied Demon State first.

"I think it was sucked away. It should be this secular world that suddenly appeared. It may be that some formations above have the ability to absorb spiritual energy from a distance." Long Xueyi said.

Shen Xiang was in the underground of the Demon State, but now there was a secular world pressing down on it. Shen Xiang flew above and stood on the dragon's head. However, if he wanted to get to the ground, he had to pass through the secular world pressing down on it, which would take some time.

"We will be up there soon. I wonder how my dad and the others are doing?" Shen Xiang was secretly excited. He used the power of the law of space and combined it with shapeshifting to allow himself to ignore the obstacles of stone and soil and move quickly upwards.

After more than an hour, Shen Xiang desperately consumed the true energy in his body and finally reached the top in a very short time.

As soon as he came out, he was in a lake. When he floated to the surface, he saw a group of giant crocodiles basking in the sun on the shore.

"This is an ancient giant crocodile, an ancient alien species!" Long Xueyi said hurriedly: "Look at their scales."

Shen Xiang took a closer look and saw that the scales on these giant crocodiles were shiny black, and looked like polished black gems, which were different from ordinary giant crocodiles.

The largest giant crocodile on the shore was more than fifty feet long, with its sturdy body lying there. There were other smaller giant crocodiles beside it, which looked very shocking.

"Are these guys powerful?" Shen Xiang turned into a butterfly and flew into the air. He had used this method before to safely enter the Ten Days Holy Mountain.

"Very powerful, just don't mess with it. Go find your father directly and don't make things complicated. A lot of things must have happened here, otherwise such ancient species would not have appeared here in such a short time, and in such large numbers!" Long Xueyi's voice was unusually solemn.

Shen Xiang had not stayed in the secular world for a long time, so he was not very familiar with it. In addition, this place must have undergone great changes. Now he could only fly in one direction and wait until he was away from this dangerous place.

The lake was next to a forest. Shen Xiang did not fly into the forest full of giant trees. In his opinion, there might be things in it that were more powerful than those giant crocodiles.

"The spiritual energy here has evolved into fairy energy. It has just entered the fairy energy stage, but it will definitely become stronger in the future. I really don't understand why those ancient species that should have been extinct would appear here?" After seeing Shen Xiang move away from those giant crocodiles, Long Xueyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then used the art of wandering in the nine heavens to explore the four directions.

"Aren't there many huge ancient beasts outside the Ten Days Holy Mountain?" Shen Xiang said: "This should not be surprising."

"That place is different. That place is the Xuan Realm that has been sealed for many years, and this place is not originally the Xuan Realm. Let alone this huge giant crocodile, even ordinary giant crocodiles are rare, right?" Long Xueyi said.

Shen Xiang nodded. He had only seen some records about giant crocodiles that were over three meters long in books.

"There's a battle over there!" Long Xueyi suddenly said, "It looks like it's a battle between humans and ancient beasts."

After Shen Xiang approached, he indeed sensed waves of air surging from that place. The battle was very intense and he had no idea what was fighting against what.

He used his astral magic to look up and saw in the sky more than twenty young-looking men holding spears, fighting a giant golden bear as big as a small house.

"This is a little golden bear. It is said that the fur on its body is made of very tough black gold iron. It is difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt this thing." Long Xueyi said in amazement.

"It's good to see people, but why do these people look so much like primitive people?" Shen Xiang asked doubtfully. The people who besieged the little golden bear were all young and strong men. They had a piece of animal skin around their waists and had very developed muscles on their bodies. They looked like they had great strength.

"They are not weak either. They are all little devils in the Nirvana realm." Long Xueyi said.

"Roar..." After the little golden bear was pierced by a spear, it let out a roar. The sound waves were so violent that they shocked the people and made them retreat.

At this time, a young man with messy hair jumped out from nowhere, and rushed towards the golden bear with bare hands. His hand was like a giant axe, and with powerful true energy, he chopped down fiercely at the golden bear's head.

"It's very similar to the Tianyang Axe Slash, but it's more powerful than the Tianyang Axe Slash. Are these people from my Shen family?" Shen Xiang said in surprise.

"Why don't you just go down and ask? These people are no match for you!" Long Xueyi said with a smile: "If they are from your Shen family, you will be able to see your father soon!"

I have to say that the group of people below cooperated very well. After working together to capture the little golden bear, they quickly killed it, put it into the storage magic weapon, and left quickly.

The roar of a bear coming from afar means that the parents of the little golden bear are coming. That big guy is the strongest.

Several mountains and rivers were flattened in an instant. This was all caused by the violent golden bear. Shen Xiang saw it from high in the sky and couldn't help but be surprised.

Shen Xiang secretly followed the group of young men who were retreating quickly. He guessed that these young men were out hunting. Seeing how they were dressed, Shen Xiang guessed that the secular world had become very unsafe, and people here had to be on guard against those ancient beasts at all times.

"These guys are so cautious!" Shen Xiang followed them all the way and found that these people first entered a small river, dived to the bottom of the river, followed the river away from the place where they hunted the little golden bear, and then crossed mountains and ridges, traveling for several days before slowing down.

"We're finally there!" Shen Xiang saw a small village in front of him, but it was surrounded by huge stones outside, forming a thick giant wall. Looking from the sky, it looked like it was surrounded by huge stone mountains on all sides. It was obvious that these were all used to defend against those ancient strange beasts.

Those people entered the village through a cave where water was flowing, and there were already many people in the village waiting for them to return.

Shen Xiang looked for someone familiar in the crowd. After he carefully scanned the thousands of people several times, he suddenly felt very disappointed because he did not find anyone familiar to him!

"My great uncle and my father are not among these people!" Shen Xiang sighed. His great uncle Shen Luzong should be considered very powerful in the Shen family, and he is also an alchemist, so he should be here.

Just when he was disappointed, a burly middle-aged man with a beard suddenly walked out of a small house.

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