A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 97: visitor

Chapter 97: visitor

Chapter 97 Visitors

Lu Laosan was very angry when he saw that his mother-in-law did not call the Gu family. He personally brought two servants from the family, as well as eight gangsters, He Dacai and He Shanwa, to Gu Jinli's house.

He Sanleizi didn't come. He was probably frightened by Gu Jinli and ran away.

Lu Laosan is of medium height, in his thirties, without a beard, wearing a flamboyant red long coat, holding a hand warmer in his hand, and came to the yard of Gu Jinli's house.

Two servants also moved an imperial chair and placed it in the yard for Lu Laosan to sit.

After Lu Laosan sat down, he looked at the several families standing in the yard, laughed disdainfully, and said straight to the point: "I heard that you guys are making tofu? The adults in the county already know about this. Now The county magistrate has sent a message, asking you to hand over all the tofu recipes and spice recipes to the county. This is a rare opportunity to make a contribution, so you must be wise."

After Lu Laosan finished speaking, a servant next to him stepped forward, opened his hand to the third grandfather and said: "Old man of the Gu family, please hand over the recipe."

The family members were so angry that they were trembling when they saw Lu Laosan being so arrogant.

Gu Dalin was impulsive and couldn't bear it the most. He knocked the man's hand off and said angrily: "This is our recipe. Why should we give it to the county magistrate?"

Lu Laosan frowned and corrected him: "This recipe is not for the county magistrate, but for the county. The adults in the county think that your recipe is good and can benefit the people, so they asked you to make this recipe." Hand it over."

Lu Laosan spoke so righteously, and even moved out all the adults in the county, which made Gu Jinli laugh. She stood up and asked: "Since it is the adults in the county who want the prescription, why are they not the county government's scribes or yamen servants?" Come to get the prescription?"

Mrs. Chen attaches great importance to the tofu business. She was originally afraid of the Lu family. At this time, she couldn't help shouting: "Yes, since the county wants prescriptions, why didn't the county send someone to come instead of the Lu family?" Come to ask for a prescription?"

Mrs. Chen stood on tiptoes and rubbed her neck: "Does the county want this recipe, or do you, the Lu family, want to steal it?" Don't pretend, they knew yesterday that it was the Lu family who wanted this recipe.

Lu Laosan didn't expect that these family members would dare to expose him to his face. He was very angry and said harshly: "The prescription is wanted by the adults in the county. My Lu family is related to the county magistrate and I am in the same village as you. The county is the only one who wants the prescription." Leave this matter to our Lu family. But instead of handing over the prescription, you dare to slander the Lu family. This is a serious crime. Our Lu family can send you to the official for investigation!"

Farmers are all afraid of officials. In the past, if the Lu family wanted to get something, they would just use the name of the county magistrate to scare them. The average farmer would be scared half to death, and they would honestly take advantage of the things or people that their family liked. Hand it over.

Lu Laosan thought, although these families are difficult to deal with, they are country folk and they must be afraid of officials. If they are threatened like this, they will definitely be unable to bear it and hand over the prescription.

Gu Jinli said, "I've only ever heard that those who slander relatives of the emperor will be sent to court and convicted. I dare to ask Mr. Lu, are your Lu family relatives of the emperor?" Are you not pretending to be an uncle?

Farmers are afraid of officials, but they are even more afraid of the royal family. Lu Laosan would not dare to accept this. If he did, it would be a serious crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan.

But he was angry that a child in Gu Jinli dared to refute him like this. He pointed at Gu Jinli angrily and cursed: "You are a yellow-haired girl, you have no right to speak here. Go aside, this is an adult's business."

Qin Sanlang was afraid that Lu Laosan would let his servants do violence to Gu Jinli, so he took two steps forward, stood in front of Gu Jinli, and took the opportunity to say: "Since you said that the county asked the Lu family to ask for the prescription, then there should be a document , take out the county documents and show them to us.

Mr. Qin nodded and said: "Sanlang is right. Mr. Lu, please bring us the documents from the county. If it is true, we will discuss it and see if we should give the prescription to the county." .

Where does Lu Laosan have any documents? They were just using their reputation as county officials to pressure them and make them hand over the prescriptions honestly.

He immediately became angry, banged the hand warmer in his hand, smashed it on the ground, and threatened: "A group of unruly people dare to disobey the order of the county magistrate. Just wait for your house to be confiscated and jailed by the county!"

As he said that, he looked at He Dacai and the gangsters and motioned for them to take action and smash up the Gu family. To put it bluntly, **** like He Dacai are thugs raised by the Lu family. The Lu family uses them specifically to deal with people in the village who don't listen to the Lu family. And **** like He Dacai belong to the He family. Even if they are caught, Village Chief He will take care of his nephew. For their sake, they wont do anything to He Dacai and the others.

"Brothers, this Gu family dares to disobey the orders of the adults in the county. This will bring trouble to our village. Let's be polite and smash this Gu family to vent our anger on the adults in the county."

As soon as He Dacai finished speaking, He Shanwa and several gangsters rolled up their sleeves and planned to smash the Gu family.

Gu Jinli had already drawn out his dagger, intending to give these gangsters a good beating. Before the two parties could take action, several children's voices came from outside the courtyard: "Those who are fleeing from the famine live here, give us candy quickly."

In addition to the voices of children, there was also the clanging sound of a mule cart driving.

Are these the families selling tofu in the town on the Lantern Festival? a young male voice asked worriedly.

The children said impatiently: "I don't know what the tofu you are talking about is? But these families have been carrying burdens to sell things in the town every day. This is their home. Give us candy quickly, don't you?" You dont want to give it, but you want to refuse it?

Okay, okay, okay, Ill give you some candy, one piece for each of you.

Oh, there are sweets to eat, there are sweets to eat. Several children got the candies and ran away happily.

After a while, a young man in a blue cotton-padded jacket, about seventeen or eighteen years old, came to the gate of Gu Jinli's house and asked in a loud voice: "This is a tofu seller in the town..." Is it the Gu family?

Before he finished asking, he was stunned when he saw a group of people in the yard who were at war with each other, then turned around and ran away.

Not long after, the young man and a middle-aged man came outside the Gu family's yard again. After the middle-aged man saw the situation in the yard clearly, he immediately asked: "What is the reason for this conflict?"

Lu Laosan frowned when he saw this man. A servant of the Lu family said: "These families have offended the adults in the county. We are teaching them a lesson. Where are you from? Don't meddle in other people's business."

The middle-aged man frowned when he heard this, looked at the third grandfather and the others, and asked, "Have you offended the adults in the county?"

Mr. Chen was quick to speak and immediately shouted: "They are talking nonsense. Our family has not offended the adults in the county. It is the Lu family who came to steal our tofu recipes."

The middle-aged mans frown deepened.

"Where are you from? Get out of here and stop meddling in other people's business, or I'll beat you up too!" He Dacai threatened with his fist raised.

When the young man heard this, he said angrily: "Our master is a scholar in the 26th year of Jingwu. He has great fame. Let's see who of you dares to fight?!"

As soon as these words came out, He Dacai and the gangsters were shocked. This frail middle-aged man turned out to be a scholar. He couldn't beat him. If he beat a scholar with a good reputation for nothing, he would be arrested and imprisoned.

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