A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 3226: The end of the full text, the Northeast War and the recovery of Yangji

Chapter 3226: The end of the full text, the Northeast War and the recovery of Yangji

The end of Chapter 3226, the Northeast War, the recovery of Yangji Mansion [2]

Pei Zhusheng is really dead? Tao Zongqi couldnt believe it.

Lin Jingui: "He is really dead. His body is in the courtyard of the medicine warehouse. He was killed by our Uncle Da Gen. We also set fire to the medicine warehouse. The Qing soldiers were afraid of the poisonous smoke and fled in all directions. The house was in chaos."

"Okay, okay, die well!" Tao Zongqi finally felt relieved and shouted to the soldiers: "Brothers, we were poisoned by the Dongqing people and we will definitely not survive. But before we die, we must kill a few more Qing soldiers. , take revenge!

The soldiers and laborers who were making poison together shouted: "Kill the Qing soldiers and take revenge!"

In the past half year, they had accumulated too much hatred. Some of them grabbed the iron rods specially used to beat them in the courtyard. Some of them took stone mortars, semi-finished poisons, pried out floor tiles, and used them to make weapons. They followed Fei Dagen and the others and rushed out. go out.

As soon as I walked out of the hospital, I met several Qing soldiers.

Stop, go back to the yard, if you dare to take the opportunity to cause trouble, you will be shot immediately...

Before he finished speaking, Tao Zongqi and the others rushed forward: "Go up, beat these beasts to death!"

Bang, bang, bang!

The floor tiles were thrown at Qing Bing who was speaking, knocking the crossbow out of Qing Bing's hand. They swarmed up and beat Qing Bing hard with iron rods. Because there were so many people, the Qing Bing who spoke was beaten to death in just a blink of an eye.

When the other Qing soldiers saw this, their faces turned pale with fright and they hurriedly ran for their lives.

Swish swish!

Lin Jingui picked up the crossbow and gave a few arrows to the fleeing Qing soldiers. Unfortunately, he only shot one person to death, and the remaining three ran away.

"Chase them and kill them!" Tao Zongqi and the others were about to kill the Qing soldiers, but were stopped by Fei Dagen: "Go back to the medicine warehouse first and completely destroy the poison, lest King Yi Jun use it to attack the city. of soldiers."

The fire in the medicine warehouse is not very big. If you don't add some fire, I'm afraid it will go out.

Tao Zongqi was a young military attach and knew the importance of this matter, so he hurriedly said: "Brothers, destroy the medicine storehouse first. Even if we are poisoned to death, we cannot let the poison fall into the hands of Prince Yi!"

He then said to Fei Dagen: "You guys wait in the back and let us set the fire. We all have poison in our bodies and we are not afraid of death."

After saying that, he took the soldiers and laborers to the courtyard of the medicine storehouse... and the fire was indeed extinguished.

Tao Zongqi and the others risked poisoning by entering the medicine warehouse and setting a fire. They waited until the fire was completely burned before exiting the yard.

Duke Yi's people originally wanted to take the opportunity to move medicine, but when they saw the fire started again, they were very sad: "I can't get the medicine anymore. Go back to the city gate quickly and inform the king~"

Hurry up, hurry up, this house is too messy and dangerous, if you don't leave, they may end up here.

"Yes~" Several people who were ordered to get the poison hurriedly left the Wang family's house.

Fei Dagen and the others did not meet this group of medicine collectors. After setting fire to the medicine warehouse, they followed Tao Zongqi to rescue three groups of imprisoned soldiers and laborers.

Lao Li didn't know **** the enemy, so most of them were still alive, while most of the soldiers were killed or injured. There were rotting corpses in the house where they were held, and there were even seriously injured patients with broken legs, holes in their abdomens, and mold growing in their wounds: "... The Qing thief said that the Rui family would use the rotting corpses and the mold on the wounds to make medicine."


"What a **** beast!" Lin Jingui shouted angrily with red eyes. He went to check on the seriously injured patients with moldy wounds and saw that they were already unconscious.

Fei Dagen couldn't bear it and asked the people who lived with him who they were. After leaving his last words, he said: "Give them a happy life."

"Yes." Lin Jingui quickly sent them on their way.

"Go to Pei Zhusheng's yard and rescue those girls!" Tao Zongqi knew the suffering of those girls and always wanted to save them. Fei Dagen nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

They followed Tao Zongqi and marched to Pei Zhusheng's yard. On the way, they met Qing Bing who was dragging the girls away.

Tao Zongqi: "Surround these beasts!"

Hurrah, hundreds of soldiers and laborers surrounded the Qing soldiers. Even though they were tortured to the point of becoming thin and emaciated, the sheer number of people and the eyes full of anger and murderousness frightened the dozens of Qing soldiers who wore armor and carried swords. He quickly cut the ropes binding the girls and said, "These beauties are here for you to play with. We don't want them any more. Just leave now. Don't chase them. Everyone can live. How about that?"

Qingbing thinks this is good for everyone.

But the playful words they used angered Mr. Tao Qi and others: "Go up, kill these beasts!"


Hundreds of people rushed forward. The Qing soldiers were horrified and hurriedly drew their swords to resist, but there were only a few dozen of them. Tao Zongqi and his group had hundreds of people, and they were not afraid of death... After a while, all the Qing soldiers died tragically, and some of them died. Qing Bing was still torn to death.

Another group of Qing soldiers heard the noise and came over to check. When they saw the stumps on the ground, they were so frightened that they retreated in a hurry. They even shouted in Dongqing dialect: "Go quickly, those Chuwei people are crazy!"

"Red, red flowers, my sister's favorite. I want to pick red flowers and put them in a vase for my sister." Miss Wang threw herself into the corpse, digging into the blood-stained soil, and talking crazy words.

"Miss Wang, these are not flowers, they are the people who harmed you. They are all dead. You have been saved. Don't be afraid." Mr. Tao Qi went to pull Miss Wang, trying to pull her out of the pile of corpses, but Miss Wang He screamed in horror: "Ahhh, don't touch me, you disgusting beasts!"

"We are not bad people, those disgusting beasts are dead..." Mr. Tao Qi let go of Miss Wang, pointed at the corpses, and explained to her over and over again that the Qing soldiers who hurt them were dead.

"Dead?" Miss Wang was stunned for a while, shedding tears, and kept muttering: "It's good to die, it's good to die... If my sister dies, she won't have to suffer."

Lin Jingui said: "I seem to be a little awake. Maybe this madness can be cured."

But Miss Wang didn't want to live at all. She went crazy for a while, glanced at the girls who were imprisoned with her, then walked to the pile of corpses, picked up a broken knife from the pile, turned her back to Mr. Tao Qi and the others, and said: "Thank you, I'm going to find my sister."

After saying this, he cut his throat with a knife and killed himself.

Tao Zongqi is very sad, but this may be the best destination for Miss Wang.

Fei Dagen sighed, looked at the other girls, and said to them: "Don't worry about it, the court has promised to give you Zhuangzi and build a women's village so that you can live your whole life in peace."

"Seriously?!" After hearing this, the girls' cloudy eyes shone with light, and they said, "This, this is impossible, right?"

They are dirty people that even their families despise. How could the court take care of them like this?

Fei Dagen took out Qin Sanlang's letter and handed it to them: "Those who are literate can read it for themselves. This is a letter of commitment and confession written by Qin Guogong himself."

These girls are from relatively wealthy families in the neighborhood, and they are also the lady's personal maids. Almost all of them are literate, and they hurriedly took the letters to read.

"It's true, it's true." They were so happy that they fell to the ground and cried... They had a way to survive.

However, now is not the time to cry. They remembered the killing of the enemy written in the letter, and said: "General, we still have some strength. Please take us to kill Qingbing!"

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