A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 127: contract

Chapter 127: contract

Chapter 127 Contract

Da Miao, Two Miao, Three Miao, Dazhuang, Tugou and Shengzi, come over for dinner soon. Dafus nephew has brought us a lot of bean cakes. He Laoguo greeted the working families.

After they took over the work of clearing up wasteland, they went home and called their own people. Now there are thirteen people working in the wasteland.

There were a lot of people, but the Gu family sent a lot of food. A basket full of bean dregs cakes was enough to feed their family.

He Dazhuang, He Tugou, and He Shengzi arrived at the field and looked at the bean dregs cakes in the basket, grinning from ear to ear.

He Dazhuang said: "Hey, these are golden bean cakes. How many cents does each one cost in the town?"

He once bought one and shared it with his wife, and it tasted great. But their family didnt have much money, so they only ate that one and never bought another one. His wife had been thinking about this taste for a long time.

"Dazhuang, there are three people from your family here. Take nine bean cakes." He Laoguo distributed the bean cakes to them.

The bean cakes were much larger than those sold in the town, and the wooden bowl could not hold nine of them. He Dazhuang took a bamboo basket from home and put the nine bean cakes into the basket, filling the whole basket.

There is soy milk here, it tastes better when eaten with it. Gu Dafu said.

"Hey, I got it. Thank you Dafu brother." He Dazhuang distributed the bean cakes to his two sons, then took a wooden bowl to pour the soy milk, and ate the bean cakes with the soy milk. The taste was so fragrant that he watched the excitement at the head of the field. The villagers were so greedy that they swallowed hard and regretted not taking the job.

But it was too late to regret it. Qin Gu Luotian and his family just opened up this wasteland and had enough manpower, so they had no plans to hire more people.

He Laoguo and the others looked at the regretful expressions of the villagers who laughed at them, and felt that the bean cakes in their hands became more fragrant.

The whole family was poor and not selfish. Each of He Laoguo and the others only ate two bean cakes. They saved the remaining bean cakes and sent them home so that everyone in the family could satisfy their craving.

At Gu Jinli's house, villagers from Lianghe Village came to visit again.

There were very few people coming back this time, only three of them, and Liang Zhuzi was carrying half a basket of eggs and a pack of candies.

The third grandpa heard what the third grandma said yesterday and knew that they would come today, so he did not go to the stall with him, but stayed at home.

Liang Zhuzi was very careful this time. After arriving at the door of Gu's courtyard, he knocked on the door politely. The knock was so quiet that Grandpa Third and the others almost didn't hear it.

After finally entering the door, Liang and Zhuzi apologized again: "Mr. Gu, eldest brother Gu, and the little girl of the Gu family, yesterday was our fault. Please don't blame us."

Gu Jinli is a straightforward person and wants to make the tofu business bigger. After they apologized, he said directly: "If you want to sell tofu from us, that's fine. But we have three requirements."

Liang Zhuzi and the others were so happy that they almost jumped up when they heard the first half of the words. But when they heard that there was still a request, they became nervous again and asked anxiously: "Little girl from the Gu family, what do you want?"

Gu Jinli said: "It's very simple. The first requirement is that as long as the tofu is in your hands, it has nothing to do with us. If the people who buy your tofu have any problems eating it, they will have to come to you and it has nothing to do with us."

"This!" Liang Zhuzi did not expect that the Gu family's first request would be so embarrassing. The two villagers who followed him said, "Little girl from the Gu family, if this problem is your family's problem, wouldn't it be our responsibility too?"

Gu Jinli smiled slightly: "There are risks in doing business. If you are afraid that there is something wrong with our tofu, you don't have to buy it."

Her words were so strong that the two villagers in Lianghe Village almost got so angry that they left, but Liang Zhuzhu stopped them.

Seeing that they had not left, Gu Jinli continued: "You are afraid that there will be something wrong with our tofu, and we are also afraid that you will tamper with our tofu, so our request is reasonable."

"However, we also know your difficulties. When you come to my house to buy tofu, you can try a piece for free on the spot. After waiting for another quarter of an hour, if there are no problems, you can pick up the tofu and leave. Within a quarter of an hour of trying, if If there is any problem, our Gu family will take responsibility for it."

After hearing this, Liang Zhuzi and the two villagers from Lianghe Village felt that this was a good idea. It protected the interests of both parties and no one wanted to harm the other.

The three of them thought for a while, gritted their teeth, and agreed: "Okay, we agree to this request. What are the remaining two requests?"

"The remaining two requests are very simple." Gu Jinli said: "The second request is about price. The price of this tofu is not static. We can increase the price for you at any time, but each increase will not exceed three cents per pound. . And when you choose tofu to sell, you can also increase the price, but each price increase must not exceed five cents. If the price rises too outrageously, exceeding the purchase price by more than ten times, we will no longer sell tofu to you."

Liang Zhuzi and the others were all farmers. They could not read or count very well. The three of them had to count their fingers and gravel to calculate the price clearly.

"Okay, we can agree to this request." Liang Zhuzhu added: "Don't worry, little girl from the Gu family, we are all members of the family and we just want to make a living. We have no bad intentions or greed."

Gu Jinli nodded and added a third request: "This last request is that when you go to sell tofu, you must tell the people who buy tofu that this is Gujia tofu."

She will also make soybean oil and soy sauce in the future, but she needs to get her name out there first.

After hearing this last request, Liang Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his dark face: "Okay, let's settle this matter. From tomorrow on, we will come to your Gu's house to buy tofu."

Gu Jinli said: "Yes, but we don't have many people. Now we can only give you five hundred catties of tofu in Lianghe Village every day. We don't care how you divide the tofu, but we can guarantee that you can get at least this much tofu every day."

Five hundred catties of tofu, which is much more than before.

Liang Zhuzi and the others were very happy, but not for long. Gu Jinli took out another piece of paper and put it on the table: "This is a contract with the three requirements written on it. If you don't have any objections, you must put it on this contract." Press fingerprints.

Ah? We still need to sign a contract and have our fingerprints pressed? A villager in Lianghe Village said: We are not buying a house, land or people, so we dont need to sign the contract, right?

Gu Jinli knew that the ancients were afraid of reporting to officials, signing contracts, etc., but: "Words have no basis. Only by signing a contract will our previous words count."

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Village Chief He came: "Brother Gu, Dashan and Xiaoyu are all at home."

As he spoke, he glanced at Liang and Zhuzi and asked, "Who are these three people? They look very unfamiliar."

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