A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 125: invite

Chapter 125: invite

Chapter 125 Inviting people

Gu Jinan was not surprised at all when he saw Gu Dexing.

Brother Dexing. Gu Jinan greeted him as usual, with just the right smile on his face, without being proud, showing off, or looking down on him.

Gu Dexing was a few years older than Gu Jinan and taller than Gu Jinan. But at this moment, Gu Dexing felt a little embarrassed when he looked at Gu Jinan's smile.

Angor's smile was too magnanimous, so magnanimous that it made him ashamed, and he felt that his actions in stopping him were the actions of a villain.

Gu Dexing lowered his head.

When Gu Jinan saw this, he didn't ask why he stopped him, nor did he leave. He just stood there and waited.

After a long time, Gu Dexing asked Gu Jinan: "What did Shang Xiucai teach you today?"

Gu Jinan took out a book from the bag he was carrying and handed it to Gu Dexing: "It's the Analects of Confucius in the Four Books. My husband asked me to copy the book, saying that my family is poor and it would not be cost-effective to spend money to buy books. Copying the book instead will not only You can become familiar with the content and get a new book for free.

The teacher also said that I studied to test my fame, and the test for children is not difficult. As long as you memorize the Four Books and Five Classics, you can take the test for children, so I started teaching from the Four Books.

Gu Dexing was shocked. He didn't expect Gu Jinan to say such a thing.

He thought that given Gu Jin'an's family's experience of being looked down upon since childhood, Gu Jin'an must be very taboo about saying that his family was poor, but Gu Jin'an didn't care at all. He just said that his family was poor and couldn't afford books, so he copied them.

The next thing is... Shang Xiucai knew that Gu Jinan was studying for fame, and his purpose was so snobbish, but Shang Xiucai was still willing to teach him.

"Isn't Shang Xiucai angry?" Gu Dexing asked.

What he said was meaningless, but Gu Jinan understood it. He smiled and said: "Why are you angry? What do poor people study for? To put it bluntly, it is to gain fame, gain power, and protect their families. The gentleman said, this is nothing. Unspeakable.

Gu Jinan's words shocked Gu Dexing again. He did not expect that Shang Xiucai was so different from the gentleman he had met in his hometown.


Gu Jinan looked at Gu Dexing and said: "Sir is an open-minded and open-minded person. If you really want to study with him, it is better to ask him in an open and honest manner. It is much better than such random thoughts and unwillingness."

Gu Dexing lowered his head again, and after a moment of silence, he said: "If I go and beg, but the scholar doesn't accept it, wouldn't it be..."

Its embarrassing? The smile on Gu Jinans face did not change: If you cant even give up this little face, why do you need to become a disciple?

He finally said: "If you want to study with your husband, just ask openly. Even if you are rejected, you have worked hard for yourself and you will not regret it in the future."

After saying this, Gu Jinan bypassed Gu Dexing and returned home.

Gu Dexing stood there for a long time, until Mr. Chen shouted angrily: "Brother Xing, where are you using the pestle as wood to wait for it to sprout? Why don't you go home and grind the spices! There aren't many spices left. If you don't hurry up, Grind, you wont have to sell it tomorrow, its all money.

When Gu Dexing heard what Chen said, he turned around and ran home.

That night, Gu Jinli made crystal sweet and sour pork, fried crispy pork, and stir-fried a plate of bean sprouts. Together with his own tofu and yesterday's fried bean curd, the family had a wonderful dinner to celebrate Gu Jinan's formal enrollment in school.

Seeing how much his family cared for him, Gu Jinan became even more determined to gain fame and protect his family.

Their family had just finished their meal, and before the dishes were cleared away, several families came. Everyone was worried about the pan-fried five-spice tofu sold in other restaurants in the town.

"When I thought about those shameless people selling our fried five-spice tofu, I was so angry that I couldn't even eat." Today, Ms. Chen learned that someone in town was selling fried five-spice tofu, and she was so angry that she almost threw a pole at it. Those people's shops.

"There is also Fuguilou. I heard from old doctor Wu that they made a dish called Jinyu Fugui using fried five-spice tofu and fried pork slices. They sold it for fifty cash a plate, which is really annoying."

Logically speaking, this is their familys money. Mrs. Chens flesh ached so much that she almost died. Several other families are also worried about this, fearing that shops in the town will take away their business.

Gu Jinli said, "Don't worry, uncles and aunts, even if pan-fried five-spice tofu is sold all over the street, we will not lose money, we will only make a lot of money."

Mr. Chen was stunned and asked hurriedly: "Xiaoyu, what do you mean by this? If the streets are full of fried five-spice tofu, then who will come to our stall to buy it?"

Gu Jinli told everyone what he said to his grandfather and grandmother in the afternoon: "If they want to make pan-fried five-spice tofu, they must buy our white tofu and seasonings, so the more they buy, the more we make. Theres no need to be afraid. If you feel like youre making less money, we can also increase the price of white tofu and seasonings.

In a word, as long as we have the tofu recipe and seasoning recipe in our hands, we will be the ones making money.

Several family members were very surprised after hearing this.

Chen said: "Hey, then they have become to help us sell tofu, and we can work less and make more money."

Gu Jinli nodded: "That's what I mean."

She also told about the villagers from Lianghe Village who came to buy white tofu.

We cant keep one stall forever. We have to change our business model. We need to start making tofu and seasonings in large quantities, sell them to other people, and let them carry the burden to help us sell tofu.

"Then let's not set up a stall in the future? That's not possible. The bean dregs cake can be sold for a lot of money in a day." Mrs. Chen wanted to continue setting up a stall.

Gu Jinli said: "We can set up stalls at the same time and increase the production of tofu at the same time to sell to people who want to sell tofu."

The third grandpa said at this time: "The method is good, it can make us make more money, but where do we have so many manpower?"

"Making tofu is a hard job and requires a lot of manpower. Now we have to make tofu, run a stall, grind spices, and open up wasteland for farming. We are simply too busy. It's mid-February now. , the seeds will be planted in half a month, and the manpower is simply not enough.

Gu Jinli said: "Third Grandpa doesn't have to worry about manpower. We can hire people to do the work."

When Third Grandpa heard that Gu Jinli said that he wanted to hire people to do work, he was a little worried. He was afraid that the people who hired people had bad intentions and would ruin their business, so he said: "You can't be in a hurry when hiring people to do work. You have to take your time to watch people, so as not to be betrayed." To cause harm."

"Third Grandpa, if you are worried, we can hire someone to open up wasteland first, and we can stay at home to grind beans and spices." Gu Jinli wanted to hire someone to open a workshop, but he knew that it would be impossible to convince them all at once, and now he can't I was really too busy and it would take time to open a workshop, so I chose a compromise.

Several families agreed with this method, and decided to ask someone to help open up wasteland tomorrow, while they stayed at home to make more tofu.

So the next day, Grandpa San announced that he would invite people to open up wasteland.

When the people in Dafeng Village heard the news, they immediately exploded.

"Hey, those families who came to escape from the famine found gold? Are they still hiring people to open up the famine?"

I am making a living by making tofu in the town. The business is very good, but I am not just picking up gold. Someone said sourly.

I dont know what the salary is like? How about we go and ask? There is a poor family member who really wants to do this job.

If you dont want to go, you have to go. How can there be any reason in this world for locals to work for outsiders?

When He Laoguo heard what the villagers said, he sneered: "Bah, just be upset. What's wrong with those who are fleeing from famine? Even those who are fleeing from famine are more capable than you."

"You just don't like others. You don't like this job, but our family doesn't. Sanmiao, let's go to your uncle Gu's house and take over this land reclamation job." He Laoguo took his San'er and walked to Gu's house with his hands behind his back. , still muttering in his mouth: "This guy who doesn't take jobs, picks and chooses when he gets a job, can't he get along with money?"

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