A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 124: stop

Chapter 124: stop

Chapter 124 Stop

When Mr. Qin and Sanlang Qin saw that the Gu family was fine, they also went home to do some work.

The third grandmother asked Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, those people are coming tomorrow. How are you going to reply to them? Do you really want to sell all the tofu to them?"

Grandma No. 3 knows that the tofu is in short supply, and the more she sells, the more money she makes. However, there are only so many people in their family and they can only make so much tofu every day. What will happen to their tofu stall if they sell it to people in Lianghe Village? But there are no tofu stalls.

Gu Jinli said: "Don't worry, Third Grandma, we will discuss this matter later in the evening."

The third grandma had no choice but to give up and stop asking, and the three of them entered the yard together.

With a creak, Mrs. Cui opened the door of the hall and walked out with Gu Jinxiu and Brother Cheng.

Cui and Gu Jinxiu still had fright on their faces, and Gu Jinxiu even had a hatchet in his hand.

Gu Jinli was very satisfied when he saw this. When in danger, it is better to pick up a knife to defend yourself than to be beaten passively.

On the other hand, Cheng Ge'er, a little man with a calm face and no fear at all, holding a pole in his hand, said to Gu Jinli: "Second sister, I will protect my mother and eldest sister."

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "Well, Brother Cheng is very good."

He added: "However, when the opponent is too strong, you cannot confront him head-on. You can sneak away first and then look for opportunities to beat the opponent up later."

Well, Ill remember it. Dont worry, second sister, I wont let myself be beaten by others. Cheng Geer promised.

Mrs. Cui felt that Gu Jinli shouldn't lecture her brother like this, but thinking about what happened on the way to escape, she suppressed her words and asked Gu Jin'an instead: "How is Brother An? You should be a scholar." Got him?"

Gu Dashan said with a smile: "Take it, take it, our brother An will be Shang Xiucai's student from now on, and we will study with Shang Xiucai from today on."

Ms. Cui was very happy and her eyes were wet: "That's good, that's good. Our brother An can finally go to school."

Gu Dashan's eyes turned red when he saw her like this.

Gu Dashan and Mrs. Cui have always felt sorry for An Geer. Because Mrs. Gu hated them, several children were also abused by Mrs. Gu, and An Geer was bullied to a terrible extent.

An Geer is smart and likes to study. When he was a child, he saw Gu Youwen and his son studying and followed him, but he was driven away by Gu Youwen and his son.

An Geer was very sad and hid himself crying.

Mrs. Cui felt sorry for her son, so she secretly taught An Geer how to read. An Geer learned quickly. But one day when An Geer was writing on the ground with a branch, Mrs. Gu saw her. At that time, she hit An Geer with a cane. An Ge'er's hand was directly swollen from the beating. If Brother An hadn't run so fast, his hands would have been broken by Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu warned the couple that if she saw An Geer writing again, she would break his hand and sell him to him.

The reason why Mrs. Gu is so excited is very simple, that is, she doesn't see Brother An having any future.

Anger is smart. Since then, he has only quietly practiced calligraphy in the house, and has not been discovered by Mrs. Gu again.

But Cui and Gu Dashan have remembered this incident for half their lives, and they felt extremely guilty. Now that An Ge'er can finally go to school openly and openly, and the gentleman he worships is still a scholar, the couple were so excited that they cried.

The third grandma looked at the couple with tears in their eyes, angry and funny: "You two, wipe your tears quickly, this is a big happy event, why are you crying?" "Hey, don't cry anymore." Ms. Cui wiped away her tears. , said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, please make crystal sweet pork tonight. Your brother likes to eat this. Today is his big day, let's give him a good time."

The last time Shang Xiucai and his family came to their house for dinner, she heard from the head of the family that An Ge'er's child had eaten a lot of crystal sweet and sour meat. He seemed to like sweet and sour food, so she thought of making a crystal sweet and sour for An Ge'er today. Eat the meat and let him eat it.

Okay. Gu Jinli responded readily, and the family of three started busying with their home chores again.

Gu Jinli did not squeeze any more oil today. Instead, he took out two spices, amomum villosum and cumin, and smashed them into half pieces with a hammer. Then he grinded the spices with Gu Jinxiu and the third grandma.

As soon as they had finished grinding a pound, Third Grandpa and the others closed the stall and came back.

The third grandpas face was not very good. After putting down his burden, he sat in the yard and sighed.

The third grandma saw him and asked him quickly: "Old man, what's wrong with you?"

Third Grandpa thought for a while and told them what happened in the town today: "The two food shops on the front street and the back street, as well as the Fugui Building on the main street, are selling our pan-fried five-spice tofu. The taste is similar to ours. Exactly the same.

What? Someone is selling pan-fried five-spice tofu in town? The third grandma stood up angrily and cursed: How can these **** people be so shameless? This is something Xiaoyu came up with!

After scolding him, he anxiously asked Third Grandpa: "What should we do? They made pan-fried five-spice tofu, don't they want to take away our guests?"

Gu Jinli had long expected that someone would follow suit and sell fried five-spice tofu, but she was not anxious at all. After hearing what Third Grandma said, she asked Third Grandpa: "Third Grandpa, how is our business today? Is it still as prosperous as before?"

Third Grandpa nodded: "It's indeed the same as before. It's just that the white tofu sold out too fast. It was sold out almost as soon as we arrived in the town. It's because the noble wife forcibly left behind two loads of white tofu that we can only get it today." Open a stall.

The third grandma was confused when she heard this: "Isn't there someone selling pan-fried five-spice tofu? How come our business is still so good?"

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "Third Grandma, where does their tofu come from? They buy it from us, so it doesn't matter whether they make pan-fried five-spice tofu or not, it doesn't have much impact on us. White tofu and spices are all important." Its in our hands.

"With these two things, we are not afraid of them. If they want to make pan-fried five-spice tofu, they have to spend money to buy white tofu and spices from us. The more white tofu and spices they buy, the more we earn. Its no different than them working for us.

She looked up at the third grandma and smiled slyly: "If our income decreases, we can increase the price of white tofu."

After listening to Gu Jinli's words, the third grandpa and the third grandma were stunned for a while. After reacting, the third grandma smiled and said: "Hey, we little fish are still smart. Well, if they want to sell fried five-spice tofu, then they can sell it." Anyway, sell it. No matter how much you get, you are helping them make money.

The third grandpa and the third grandma no longer worried about this matter and started to work again.

The third grandma also told the third grandpa that the villagers from Lianghe Village came to buy white tofu, but they were almost beaten as villains.

"Xiaoyu said that this matter needs to be discussed by several families before they can be answered."

When Third Grandpa heard this, he originally wanted to ask Gu Jinli what his plans were, but he gave up and waited patiently until the money was divided in the evening.

Not long after Third Grandpa and the others came back, Gu Jinan also came back from school at Shang Xiucai's house, but when he was about to return to the end of the village, he was stopped by Gu Dexing.

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