A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 123: beg

Chapter 123: beg

Chapter 123 Request

Gu Jinli understood and asked, "Do you want to come to my house to buy tofu and then sell it?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "Yes, yes, that's what we mean. But we talked for a long time, and this old man named Qin just refused to let us in to talk."

Gu Jinli looked at them and said, "With so many of you coming to the door, which one dares to open the door to you?"

The family is full of women, and suddenly a group of adult men show up. Who knows what they are here for? Who dares to let them in?

Gu Jinli said to Mr. Qin and the others: "Grandpa Qin, Uncle Luo, thank you very much."

Mr. Qin waved his hand: "Thank you, we have to protect several families at home. When we see so many strangers coming to the door, we naturally have to stop them."

When the third grandmother heard the voices of Gu Dashan and Gu Jinli, she hurriedly shouted from the door: "Da Shan, Xiao Yu, you are finally back." This group of people didn't know what was going on, and they banged on the door as soon as they came. , he said he was going to come in and talk about the tofu business, but he didnt even give his name, he was like a bandit, he was scared to death!

The third grandma was frightened by them and was very angry. She was not speaking very nicely at the moment and made the group of people turn red in the face.

The middle-aged man hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Old man, this little girl, and the Gu family brothers, it's our fault today because so many people came all at once."

He hurriedly announced his family name: "My surname is Liang, and my name is Liang Zhuzhu. I come from Lianghe Village in front of me. I am not a bad person. I came here today to sell some tofu from your house and sell it to various villages in Qingfu Town."

Other people in Lianghe Village also said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, we are all responsible people and we will not do anything bad. We came here today to talk about the tofu business. There is no malicious intention."

No malicious intent?

Gu Jinli sneered: "Selling tofu from us? Our Gu family's tofu stall is always open. White tofu and seasonings are sold at the stall. If you want to sell tofu, just go to the tofu stall in town. Is it necessary for such a large group of people to surround my house? Are you buying tofu? Those who dont know better would think you are coming to rob me."

Gu Jinli knew that it was true that this group of people wanted to buy tofu, but it was also true that they had other thoughts, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people coming to the door together.

The people in Lianghe Village were even more ashamed when they heard Gu Jinli's words, but they were stupid and didn't know how to reply.

It was Liang Zhuzi who said, "Little girl from the Gu family, besides buying tofu today, we also want to talk to your family about other things."

He had some embarrassment on his face. He looked at Gu Dashan and then at Gu Jinli and said, "This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words. Why don't you open the door first and let us in? Let's sit down and talk. What do you think?"

Liang Zhuzis tone was very good, but Gu Jinli and the others still didnt let them in.

Liang Zhuzi had no choice but to continue pleading: "We did something wrong today, but we sincerely want to make a living, and we ask your family to help."

They, Lianghe Village, are poor. In addition to farming, the villagers do odd jobs for others, and they dont make much money all year round. However, some time ago, something called tofu suddenly appeared in the town. Hey, the one who sells it is called a good one. From all over the country, as long as someone from the village goes to the town, they will definitely ask the people who go to the town to help bring back a few kilograms of tofu.

How many kilograms does this family have? If there are so many people in a village, it can cost hundreds of kilograms. Whats more, there are so many villages in Qingfu Town.

Liang Zhuzi was smart. After learning about this, he immediately invited his two younger brothers. The three brothers went to the town to buy tofu, and then carried the tofu to various villages and sold the tofu at high prices. Don't tell me, such a move really made them a fortune.

But they had only been doing this for less than ten days, and the people in the village knew about it and wanted to sell tofu with them. However, the Gu family's tofu stall only had so much tofu in one day, which was not enough to share with the villagers.

Liang Zhuzi wanted to come to the Gu family to talk about this matter, so that the Gu family could supply them with enough tofu every day and let them pick it up and sell it in various villages.

If possible, lower the price for them and sell to them cheaper. But who would have thought that they came at the wrong time and the family man was not there, only a few women. They came with so many men again that they frightened the Gu family woman and refused to open the door. They also alerted the two families next door who came to stop them and almost started a fight.

Liang Zhuzi apologized profusely: "I'm really sorry. We didn't know there were no men in your family today. This is really... we really don't have bad intentions."

Gu Jinli doesnt care whether they have bad intentions or not, but the tofu matter cannot be discussed today.

She said: "The tofu business is a partnership between several of us. It's useless for you to come to our house."

"This..." Liang Zhuzi and the villagers in Lianghe Village became anxious: "It was done by several families in partnership? Then, who should we talk to about this?"

Liang Zhuzhu knew about the third grandfather, so he asked: "But are you looking for the old man of the Gu family?"

I heard that the old man of the Gu family also lives in this courtyard.

Gu Jinli said: "The Third Grandpa can't decide this matter alone. We will have to discuss it with several parties before I can give you an answer. You can leave first."

Actually, she has also been thinking about making a living from tofu these days.

There is a huge demand for tofu in Qingfu Town. Their tofu business is getting better and better. They also sell seasonings and spices very well. Their family is simply too busy. If they want to make money without getting tired, then The business model needs to be changed.

But she has not told several family members about this idea, and Liang Zhuzi and the others came too unexpectedly today, which scared her own family, so she will not let Liang Zhuzi and the others get their wish soon, and has to delay them no matter what, lest this group of people Find trouble for her in the future.

After hearing this, the villagers in Lianghe Village were very anxious and asked one after another: "How long will the discussion take?"

Gu Jinli said: "I don't know."

Liang Zhuzhu knew that today's matter was a failure, so he could only say: "Then let's go back first and come back tomorrow."

He then turned to Gu Dashan and said, "Brothers of the Gu family, let's come again tomorrow. I can't help but apologize for what happened today."

With that said, he took two baskets from the hands of two villagers and handed them to Gu Dashan: "This is a small gift we brought, please accept it, Brother Gu."

Gu Dashan waved his hand and refused to accept the gift: "You can take the things back. I don't know whether it will work out."

Seeing that he refused to accept it, Liang Zhuzi simply put the gift on the ground and ran away with the villagers of Lianghe Village.

Hey, take your gifts back with you. Gu Dashan shouted and was about to catch up with the gifts, but was stopped by Gu Jinli: Dad, stop chasing me, theyre all gone.

Mr. Cui and the others were very frightened, so this gift should be regarded as a way to calm down the shock.

Gu Dashan looked at Liang Zhuzi and his group of people running away and could only give up.

The third grandma opened the courtyard door and said angrily: "It's almost time to leave. I've never seen anyone talk like this. If this is a good thing, it has to be a bad thing."

They were just too anxious and ruined the job. Father Luo and the others still had work to do. After saying this, they went home and continued grinding beans.

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