A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 129: be saved

Chapter 129: be saved

Chapter 129 Saved

In the pitch-black culvert, Xu Zhengyong was trying to dig out the mud and rocks that blocked the entrance of the cave.

However, although these mudstones are soft, they seem to be endless. If he digs out a little, more will accumulate.

Because of lack of oxygen and hypothermia, Xu Zhengyong felt that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Wei Mingting said to Xu Zhengyong: "Brother Xiaoyong, take a rest first, if you continue like this, your body will not be able to take it anymore."

Wei Mingting sat next to him, and his breath was heavy when he spoke.

They have been trapped in this culvert for four hours. The air in the cave is getting thinner, and the damp and cold environment is also a huge test for their bodies.

Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong are still martial arts practitioners, and their condition is a little better. The three villagers walking with them have curled up into a ball at this moment, and the nine-year-old boy who is the weakest has already fallen into a semi-comatose state.

According to this situation, it won't last long.

Looking at the three villagers who were weak and dying, Wei Mingting blamed himself a little.

Although he rushed to rescue people, he still didn't have time, and encountered a landslide on the way back.

Although they hid in the culvert in time to avoid being buried on the spot at the critical moment, it only delayed their death time.

After Xu Zhengyong tried for a while, he sat next to Wei Mingting in frustration.

The ground is wet, and sitting is uncomfortable, but when you feel dizzy, you can only relieve it by sitting down.

"I don't want to die yet..." Xu Zhengyong said angrily.

Xu Zhengyong is upset, he doesn't want to die, he hasn't fulfilled his promise to sister Ruoer, he hasn't been filial to his parents, he hasn't heard Xiumei call him a senior brother.

Are you really going to die here today?

"I understand your feelings, I don't want to die either, I'm not afraid of my own death, I'm just worried about my family..."

Wei Mingting felt uncomfortable at the moment. He didn't know what would happen to the Wei family, his wife, son, and daughter after his death.

Xu Zhengyong glanced at Wei Mingting, Xu Zhengyong felt that Wei Mingting was very qualified as a general, whether it was military or martial arts, or his love for the people like a son, he admired him.

But unfortunately, this man is not a good father, causing his sister Ruoer to be bullied.

Thinking of Wei Ruo, Xu Zhengyong said: "I still have promises that I haven't fulfilled..."

The family of three hugging each other next to each other, the couple who still had a semblance of sanity felt that there was no hope of surviving, so they couldn't help sobbing softly.

Just when the people in the cave thought they were going to die here, suddenly a little light appeared above the entrance of the cave.

Is it an illusion?

Why is there light?

Is the ghost messenger here to pick them up and go to the underworld?

Because I haven't died before, I don't know what it should be like when the ghost messenger comes to seduce the soul.

At this moment, several voices came from outside.

"Can the people inside hear the voice? Mr. Wei Qian, Mr. Xu!"

Hearing the voice, Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong both stood up.

"We are here!" Wei Mingting replied with the greatest strength.

"Mr. Wei Qian, hold on, we'll dig a hole and rescue you right away!"

A man's voice came from outside, followed by the more intense sound of hoes and shovels.

Soon, the upper third of the hole was exposed.

Then a middle-aged man got out of the opening.

"Save those people first!" Wei Mingting said to those who came down.

The man nodded, and then lifted the unconscious little boy out of the upper opening, and the other people above responded and successfully rescued the little boy.

Then came the little boy's parents, and then Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong.

When I came outside, I realized that the people who came to rescue were Wei Jinyi and Wei Ruo. Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong were both surprised and happy.

The words "Sister Ruo'er" came to the throat, Xu Zhengyong held back.

On weekdays, no matter how Xu's parents corrected them, they would not change their words. Xu Zhengyong, who had the face and skin to call "Sister Ruo'er" when he saw Wei Ruo, didn't say it now.

At the moment of being rescued, it was Wei Ruo who saw the rescuer. He was the most excited and wanted to rush up to talk to Wei Ruo, but Xu Zhengyong knew that he couldnt do that with the presence of outsiders. Once he yelled like that, it would hurt Wei Ruo. reputation.

Wei Ruo's eyes were also on Xu Zhengyong, seeing him looking at him excitedly, opening his mouth but not making a sound, he knew his intentions.

Wei Ruo is a little relieved that Brother Xiaoyong has grown up and will no longer act impulsively regardless.

Although Wei Ruo and Xu Zhengyong did not speak, the communication between their eyes was very obvious, and Wei Jin who was beside Wei Ruo also noticed it.

"Jin Yi, Ruo'er! Why are you?" Wei Mingting was surprised, but also delighted.

"My sister heard that you were in distress, so she came here with me to search and rescue. It was also my sister who discovered that you were buried here." Wei Jin also explained.

"Ruo'er, how did you find us here?" Wei Mingting asked Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo explained: "I thought about what my father thought at the time. If I were a father, knowing that there might be danger, I would definitely choose a relatively safe path to enter and exit the valley. Take the trail on the west side."

"After searching along the way, I found a dagger. The dagger was brand new and didn't look like a villager's thing. I guessed that this might be the place where my father and others were buried."

Wei Mingting couldn't help showing joy on his face. He didn't comment, but the smile on his face revealed his mood.

"Let's leave here first, and return to the village for discussion." Wei Jin also ordered.

Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong are in good health due to their daily martial arts practice. Although they are currently in better condition than the three villagers, they were trapped overnight.

Coming out of the valley, Wei Jin also borrowed a villager's residence to let Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong take a hot bath and change their clothes.

Now the roads to and from the village are blocked, and Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong's current physical condition is not suitable for traveling, especially over the mountains. Therefore, they stayed at the villager's house temporarily until the road was clear before leaving.

While Wei Mingting and Xu Zhengyong were bathing and changing, Wei Ruo felt the pulse of the trapped and weak family of three.

The three of them all suffered from the wind and cold, their bodies were hot, and their physical conditions were somewhat disordered due to lack of oxygen.

Currently there is no way to go outside to buy medicine, but luckily Wei Ruo brought a lot of medicine with him before going out, so there is no problem in temporarily stabilizing the condition of several people.

Then, Wei Ruo came to the courtyard again, saw Wei Jinyi sitting at the small table in the courtyard, so he also walked over, sat down on the seat next to him, took out the medicine bottle he brought, and started to mix it.

Wei Jin also quietly watched Wei Ruo fiddling with the things in his hand.

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